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Sick from work
      #338579 - 11/26/08 04:02 AM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Hi guys,

Haven't been on here for ages!

Not sure where the best place to post this is. But do you ever feel guilty or lame for taking time off work due to your IBS symptoms? I'm off today and I know it's work stress that has triggered this attack. Even though I am not well enough to go into work the guilt and stress of calling in sick is probably making my symptoms worse. Do you know what I mean? What do you guys do??? Do you feel guilty and rubbish about yourself for calling in sick or do you just accept it as part and parcel of having IBS?

Thanks for listening


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Re: Sick from work new
      #338581 - 11/26/08 04:40 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

Hey Sarah! I just "got back" on here, too (well, a few days ago). I'm sorry you have a bad day today! I had an attack a few days ago after stupidly eating some raw cabbage. But, as you know, it will pass again, like it always has.
Don't feel quilty about staying home from work. I've never done it just because most of my attacks start in the p.m. so I'm like, I'm already at work so I'll just stay for another few hours. But I always wish I were home instead, curled up in my pajamas. Other people may not understand but all of us here do, we know how painful and horrible an attack can be. So do whatever it takes to feel better again!

How've you been? Still doing GF I suppose? Gotta check out your blog. I've been on a off but generally I've been having less attacks, which is good. Currently I'm trying to eat low-wheat which does help with bloating. I never figured out whether it's gluten or just wheat for me.

Feel better !

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Sick from work new
      #338589 - 11/26/08 06:19 AM

Reged: 06/08/08
Posts: 328
Loc: ME

Been there, done that plenty of times. Like you I always feel guilty. What I do is when I am at work, I put in extra effort so that noone can say I'm not pulling my weight. There are periods where it seems like I'm out all the time. But my boss is understanding and as long as the work gets done, that's all that matters.

Try to look at it this way. Do you want to be around someone who's sick and miserable? Just tell yourself you're doing everyone else a favor by staying home! Your body needs this and you'll be more productive once you're back.

IBS-A and GERD since 1983
Low FODMAP since 2012

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Re: Sick from work new
      #338590 - 11/26/08 06:21 AM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Hi Zara!
Good timing for both of us coming back on here!
Thank you for your kind words, i really appreciate it. Glad you're doing well. I'm doing well mostly. The only attacks I have are stress-related such as today and if i eat gluten. I get maybe one attack a month and mostly in the pm, like you. I can even eat dairy which is great, but not too much. Gluten's a definite no for me. I wish I was tested for celiacs but they don't tend to do it much here in the UK. I tried eating bread again so that i could get tested but it made me so ill i couldn't continue. I'm glad i've figured it out though.
Have you recovered from your attack? Hope your IBS continues to improve.
How's being back in the Czech Republic?


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Re: Sick from work new
      #338607 - 11/26/08 11:28 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

Being back is good so far, although we had a crazy first two months with settling down. But now it's good. I actually think that Europe is more IBS friendly when it comes to eating out. My American husband says that it's because European food is more "bland". I don't think it's bland but it is true that I can order simpler meals if I need to. There are always plain boiled potatoes and plain rice on the menu, along with broiled chicken. In the US restaurants are always trying to dress up the meals and sides a bit more with extra cheese, cream, or sauce. It is yummy, but I always paid for it later.

I checked out your blog and really like the recipes, especially the cookie one! I'm definitely making them for Christmas. I have to say that I admire how strictly to stick to eating GF. I did it strictly two years ago for a couple months but then gave it up since I wasn't feeling 100% better.

I think that you don't need the test for celiacs since you seem to have your answer. If you feel better on the diet then that's what you need to know . I actually did get tested, came out negative and I think that's what's causing me going back and forth between GF/WheatF diets. Oh well .

Take care, and I hope you're doing better now!

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Sick from work new
      #338626 - 11/27/08 12:24 AM

Reged: 12/01/07
Posts: 163
Loc: warwickshire, uk

Hi all - i know how you feel i cant actually work at the moment due to my ibs and other things and i feel so guilty - the bennefits agency signed me off for another year after a medical in august but i hate it - i feel like i dont deserve to be on incapacity bennefit i feel like im not pulling my weight its horrible - i have always worked and lots of hours too as i was in catering so to be say on my bum all day (scuse pun) is driving me mad !

Sara i managed to get tested for celiac - i asked my doc to refer me to the dietician as i didnt know what i could eat and evryrthign was setting me off and my diet was very lmiited ( i had to tell a little white lie) she then said i cant do anythign with you untill i know wether u are celiac (bonus ) So i know i dont have a wheat alergy - i do think i have an intolerance to cheese as that always makes me bad but to get them to test for it now is like trying to get blood out of a stone.

so im back on here tryign to get my head round the diet again - as i have been off it for about 3 years now - although i still dont eat red meat and things i know have very bad effects ive pushed the boat with other things probably hense why i am back here ha ha !!

Anyway i wont rabbit on anymore xxx

oo i just want to add - im currently studying diet and nutritino diploma as after having this thing for 7 eyars i wanted to study the gut more intensly - i have jsut done a bit on allergys and intolerances - and there are a few signs that could suggest u have intolernaces - things like its not an instand reaction it builds up and you crave the food your intolerant to - like me i crave cheese but it kills me bloating wind etc - dont want to bore you but if u want any more info get in touch x

Ibs sufferer for 7 years !

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Re: Sick from work new
      #338645 - 11/27/08 12:21 PM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Hi Jen,

i'd love some more info about food intolerances and the signs your body gives you. Went into work today but am feeling worse than yesterday- really bloated and constipated. I know that in part it's due to too much peanut butter and corn cakes, and also too much ice cream/dairy. My body definitely craves what hurts it- last night I couldn't stop with the ice cream even though i know it doesn't agree with me. Laxatives tonight i think!

Looking forward to hearing from you,



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Re: Sick from work new
      #338662 - 11/28/08 06:05 AM

Reged: 11/09/08
Posts: 102
Loc: Nassau County, NY

I also feel guilty for calling in sick. Mostly b/c I get D in the morning, usually right before I leave for work. So sometimes if I'm feeling really bad, I call in sick. but within 30 - 60 min I'm feeling much better. I'm a teacher, so I'm discouraged from calling in late to work.

I also wanted to comment that I too crave what hurts my body. It's getting a little better now that I've been on the SF diet for a few weeks. But I used to get home in the afternoon and STUFF my face and I wouldn't hold back on Fridays and Saturdays. Boy would I suffer Sunday nights and Monday mornings. I'd be confused though because I's try to eat more conservatively on Sundays. Finally figured out it was Friday and Saturday's meals that were bothering me on Sundays.


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Re: Sick from work new
      #338683 - 11/29/08 03:07 PM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Hi Ericai,

Thank you for your reply- I know what you mean. I'm the same on friday and saturday too! Sometimes on Sunday as well because I comfort eat on a Sunday because i'm dreading work on Monday. Which them impacts on the rest of the week. My best day with my IBS tends to be a saturday because that's when I'm the most relaxed. Ultimately, IBS sucks. Fortunately, 3 days after my attack, I'm recovering and starting to feel "normal".


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Re: Sick from work new
      #338686 - 11/29/08 04:15 PM

Reged: 07/04/08
Posts: 42

Consider the alternative to not calling in sick. I had two accidents at work; I went to work not feeling well because I was concerned about accruing too many sick days. Once was near the end of the day, so I just grabbed my things, told my supervisor and coworker I was ill and left. The most recent time was near noon, I had a deadline I could not miss. I drove to a gas station washed up and changed with clothes and towels I kept in my car and went back to work. Both times I was mortified mainly because I did not want anyone to know, and I was concerned about keeping my job if this condition did not resolve. Now I listen to my body more; both times I had severe cramping and would have been better if I had just hung out at the bathroom a little longer or better yet stayed home. I have also been more diligent about keeping a food journal to try to figure out the triggers. As Heather indicated in her book when she became sick on the train, not to let one incident characterize the whole trip, we pick ourselves up and go on.


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Re: Sick from work new
      #338688 - 11/29/08 04:34 PM

Reged: 08/20/06
Posts: 581
Loc: Uppsala, Sweden

I understand what you mean, but I'd say don't think twice about it. I think this is all due to IBS being such a common condition and that most people have such a mild form of it. It is easy to be judged by other people. They might say "oh, it's just a little tummy upset - get over it" or something like that. Most people with mild IBS and people who don't have IBS probably don't understand what it's about.

But this is a medical condition. A legitimate medical condition. So why feel bad if you need to stay home from work? A person suffering from migraines doesn't feel bad for staying home I think, and is probably not judged by people for it either. Neither would someone with an inflammatory bowel disease be. So why should you?


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Re: Sick from work new
      #338756 - 12/02/08 07:14 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Hi there! I'm back too after thanksgiving vacation! I too definitely feel guilty about calling in sick from my IBS attacks. When I come back from work, I can tell everyone is staring or talking about me. I can't stand it! But the pain is often so unbearable that you got to do what you have to do! I work at a bank, so I have to be friendly and upbeat, but when I get an attack (yes which is usually Monday, Tuesday due to awful weekend eating habits) I am not upbeat at all, and everyone can tell that I don't feel good. I work with only 20 people, so everyone is very close and knows everything about everyone! They usually can see it in my eyes or the way I walk because I can't stand up straight when having an attack.

My best advice is to STAY HOME unless it is just a mild attack. Sometimes on Mondays and Tuesdays, I have to suffer through it because too many of those days missed just looks bad. I drive thirty minutes to work every day, and my attacks usually don't start until after my mid morning snack. The only good thing is that after four o'clock, if we are through with our work we can go home!

We all need help with the WEEKEND WARRIOR EATING HABITS! Glad y'all are back! Good to be back!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Sick from work new
      #338758 - 12/02/08 08:15 AM

Reged: 12/01/07
Posts: 163
Loc: warwickshire, uk

Really sorry i havent replied i been up to my eyes in it !!
So ok food allergies are normally pretty full on and pretty quickly you know you have heard of sea food allergys where the lips swell that kinda thing so you have that side of things - however if you have an intolerance your symptoms will build up over time hense the bloating the constipation the wind sometimes feeling drained and tired - diareah,shakes when ur hungry,headaches sometimes blurred vision,and one of the main symptoms is craving the actualy food your intolerant to the list can be endless. There is unfortunatly no testing that can be done to proove an intolerance so im afraid it is trial and error and we would treat people by using exclusion diets. there is a list of food which are more likely to cause intolerance and i have more information about which ones you can try cutting out first and in which order and when u should re introduce - it maybe that you cant have full fat milk but condensed or evaporated may be ok - cheese may cause problem but milk might not etc ! it can be confusing but i can help you through it if you so wish !! xxx

Ibs sufferer for 7 years !

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Re: Sick from work new
      #338759 - 12/02/08 08:42 AM

Reged: 11/24/08
Posts: 85
Loc: South Carolina, US

I really understand the dreaded guilty feeling of calling in sick to work. I have actually called in yesterday & today which seems horrible since it is the days after a holiday. I am sure that some people think I am just trying to take an extended vacation ~ don't I wish.
The only advice I can share is Take Care of Yourself and don't worry about what others think. Hope everyone has a great tummy day today.


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Re: Sick from work new
      #338767 - 12/02/08 11:47 AM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Hi Jen,

That would be great if you could email me with information on the most common food intolerances and where to start etc. My email address is The body seems to be such a finely tuned machine sometimes doesn't it. I just can't wait for the time when i go a month without an attack but it takes so long to figure out what works for you as an individual! My problem is that I want it be gluten alone that causes my IBS symptoms but unfortunately it's not. Hopefully we'll all get there some day...


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For Welshsarah new
      #338770 - 12/02/08 12:54 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hi Sarah,

I was reading some of your recent posts. So, you cannot handle gluten? Have you ever read the book by Shauna Ahern called, "Gluten-Free Girl"? I found it to be a very interesting read. I never knew how many products that we use every day, contain gluten. Not just food products, but toothpaste, cosmetics, medications, even salt. Shauna says in her book that she even has to watch cross-contamination from hubby, since he is OK with gluten. They pretty much have a gluten-free kitchen. Lucky, for her, she married a chef.

I went to your blog. Your site and Shaunas are similar in the set-up and style. She also cooks quite a bit and photographs her food. I think she did a small piece for Food Network here in the US.

So, you were tested for the gluten intolerance? It must be tough, since like I said, it is in everything.

The recipe on your site, 'Chocolate Orange Cookie Bites', sounds really good. I am going to try that one. I am going back to your site now and read a little more. Thanks for steering us to your blog.


Edited by osbo54 (12/02/08 12:56 PM)

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Re: For Welshsarah new
      #338773 - 12/02/08 01:16 PM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Hi Lynn,

Thanks for your post. You're right gluten is in everything! I think I got contaminated on the weekend by my mum's roasting tin which is why i'm suffering now. Unfortunately I've never been tested for gluten intolerance because they're not hot on it over here in the UK. I saw a specialist dietician who was astonished that I had such quick and major results from going strictly gluten free. She suspects I have coeliacs but said there's no point in being tested for it because I'd get so ill having to eat all that bread in order to get a diagnosis that it's not worth it. Especially because the only treatment is a gluten free diet.

I have read Shauna's site and I love it. Have actually just ordered her book and am looking forward to reading it.

Are you gluten free to? Or do you just follow Heather's EFI diet?


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Re: For Welshsarah new
      #338780 - 12/02/08 03:57 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Do you have to eat bread or is it a blood test and then a biopsy of the small intestine? Some posts on here indicate that is what they do. I don't know, but it must be tough limiting yourself so much, and having to be very vigilant in where and what you eat. But, if you had such great results from removing it from your diet, then I guess that could be it.

No, I really haven't figured my own situation out yet. I am still trying different things. The docs in the US in my area, have not been a great help. I am very frustrated by the medical care for GI problems over here. I actually thought the UK was better as far as gut problems go. I had read several posts that say one of the best is there.

As far as gluten free, no, I am not. I have often wondered about that since I have struggled since I was a child. I have the red face (Roascea) and crave wheat, so I wonder if I might have a gluten sensitivity. Shanna speaks to the ruddy complexion in her book. Who knows, maybe the real problem with people with Rosacea is a food sensitivity, and not a blood vessel/capillary disorder.

I think you will enjoy her book. I really enjoyed what I have read of your blog so far, and the recipes look fantastic. Most of the time I can eat pretty much what I want, and then out of the blue...well, you know.

It was so nice chatting with you. I have always wanted to visit your area, but haven't made it so far. Maybe one day.


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Re: Does anyone have other chronic symptoms besides IBS? new
      #338781 - 12/02/08 04:22 PM

Reged: 12/02/08
Posts: 1

I have found a connection between IBS and Fibromyalgia. I am a facilitator of a Fibromyalgia Recovery Group in Florida and many of the woman in my group suffer with IBS. My mother had constant bloating, gas, pain and constipation and had FMS. Has anyone read Dr. Paul St. Amand's book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia"? In it, he explains why his patients suffer from IBS. He only sees patients with FMS and a large percentage of his patients have IBS symptoms. My mother kept a diary of what she ate in hopes of finding the reason for her constipation. I didn't discover the connection until she past away. That was sad for me. I would have liked to tell her why she hurt so badly.

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Re: Sick from work response to welshsarah new
      #338823 - 12/03/08 10:16 AM
Runs No Fun

Reged: 12/02/08
Posts: 162
Loc: Long Island, NY


(from welshsarah on 11/29/08)

My best day with my IBS tends to be a saturday because that's when I'm the most relaxed.

I can relate to that very well.

Have you considered changing your job? It sounds to me that you're stressed about your job and assuming that Saturday is your usual day off from work it would be only natural for you to be more relaxed (and thus less likely to have an "IBS episode").

I'm new to the boards and fairly new to finding any real information about IBS (such as what I'm seeing on these boards) but I'm fairly certain that stress is just as important in contributing to IBS as any dietary issues.

I've set up an appointment with a psychiatrist to speak about stress issues and hopefully with all the dietary info that I'm learning about here, I'll have my own IBS under some sort of control.

Good luck to you!

Saul (IBS - D)

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Re: Sick from work response to welshsarah new
      #338827 - 12/03/08 10:48 AM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Hey there,

Fortunately, I'm changing my job. I do work in an exceptionally stressful environment and I hate it. But, in 2 weeks i'm out of there! I'm going to be a nursing student which will bring it's own stresses but I can cope with stress if it's something I enjoy. Currently I'm working in admin and I hate it and my boss bullies me.

Welcome to the board and good luck with your IBS journey. I hope this board can provide lots of encouragement and support. And well done on seeing a psychiatrist and being proactive.



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Re: Sick from work response to welshsarah new
      #338866 - 12/04/08 08:39 AM
Runs No Fun

Reged: 12/02/08
Posts: 162
Loc: Long Island, NY

Good for you (and good luck on the new job).

Thanks for your welcome.

Perhaps a stupid question, but I see a lot of members here have "IBS" followed by a letter in their signatures. What does the letter signify?

Saul (IBS - D)

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Re: Sick from work response to welshsarah new
      #338888 - 12/04/08 12:42 PM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Not a stupid question at all. The letter after IBS stands for the IBS the person has. For example, mine's constipation pre-dominant so mine's IBS-C. If you're diarrheoa predominant then use you D, and A if you alternate.


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Re: Sick from work response to welshsarah new
      #338890 - 12/04/08 01:01 PM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

Sarah, good luck with the new job! Hopefully you'll be able to manage your IBS better doing something you enjoy!

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Sick from work response to welshsarah new
      #338902 - 12/04/08 03:07 PM

Reged: 06/30/07
Posts: 297
Loc: England, UK

Thank you

I'll be a student for 3 years and then a qualified nurse. I am hoping that shift work won't prove too much of a problem!


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