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IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281129 - 09/07/06 07:13 AM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 85
Loc: Alabama

Okay, here's a weird one... Is there any possible way that sit-ups or other abdominal exercises can irritate the gut? I have IBS - neither D nor C but the kind where you never feel empty. I have always done ab exercises and now at 39 have a nice flat tummy. Bully for me.

On August 3, I had major surgery and had to stop my exercise routine for three weeks. Since my surgery, I've had very few IBS episodes - in fact,I was almost sure I somehow cured myself (the surgery was unrelated to IBS). Halleluiah!

Last week I started doing my crunches & sit-ups again and the old symptoms came flaring back. Almost immediately.

Could there possibly be any connection? That stimulating the abdominal muscles with exercise irritates the gut and sets off the IBS? Can it be that... oh my ... I'll never do sit-ups again?

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this...!


42 years old
Neither D nor C - just sluggish

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281132 - 09/07/06 07:23 AM

Reged: 09/05/06
Posts: 131

I've had the same problem with exercise in general. For a while I was working out a lot (although not much ab- always aggrevates my tummy). I had to stop because of an unrelated surgery and when I tried to work out again my stomach went nuts even just doing cardio. Might be related or just a fluke, I'm not sure but I feel your pain.

Courtney (IBS-D)
"Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible." Romans 12:18

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281140 - 09/07/06 07:40 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

I always wonder if there is some connection as well. When I exercise I get a major gas build up. But I love exercising and want to stay in shape. So I do it anyway. I also do crunches every day. Sometimes I think they help, sometimes I think they hurt. Who knows??? I do think it has some kind of effect, though. Do you get trapped gas? I do, and I think part of my problem is that when I work out or do crunches it gets the gas moving...but then it can't get out...which causes pain. Sometimes when I'm on vacation and not working out like usual things calm down a bit. So, I think what you're saying is valid. Maybe try a few days w/ crunches, then a few days w/o...not varying anything else. Let us know if you figure out the connection.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281142 - 09/07/06 07:48 AM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 85
Loc: Alabama

So, when you say it aggravates your tummy... how do you mean exactly? Wow, what a concept... Gee, I can't exercise because it irritates my IBS!

42 years old
Neither D nor C - just sluggish

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281144 - 09/07/06 07:53 AM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 85
Loc: Alabama

Hey, maybe we're onto something! I mean, if you have a sensitive intestinal tract and you vigorously work out the muscles down there, how can it NOT have an effect? I, too, usually feel better on vacation (where I'm certainly not doing ab crunches) and always "blamed" it on the ocean... the warmth... the stress relief. But maybe...

Trouble with diagnosing me is that once I get an "attack" (I call them episodes - for me an "episode" means that I have to do an enema or suppository every day to get everything OUT), anyway, once I get an attack, it lasts for days, so it's hard to isolate the cause. So, No More Sit-Ups for me for a week or two. If I get much better... then maybe we can add that to our list of "things to avoid".

Surprisingly, my stomach got flatter and trimmer during my hiatus from exercising. I've noticed over the last week since I started up again, that it doesn't look quite as flat as it did.


42 years old
Neither D nor C - just sluggish

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281148 - 09/07/06 08:02 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

That's funny. I always attribute feeling better on vacations to stress relief as well.

An episode lasts a while for me too. I am IBS-C. It is very hard to isolate anything. But let me know if you think you figure anything out.

Sometimes I wonder if the crunches are the real key to a flat stomach too. Sometimes I do a ton w/o noticing much of an effect. Then I'll slack a little and my stomach will feel flat. I think it's more related to what I'm eating and hormones. I'm not ready to give up my crunches yet...I've been an addict since about 9th grade! But maybe I'll have to cut down if it will help the IBS.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281151 - 09/07/06 08:16 AM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 85
Loc: Alabama

Well, there you go! Me too, I've done sit-ups religiously since the same time period...and have always had trouble with food. At times in my life, it was an obsession (IBSer's obsessed???) and I'd be miserable if I missed a day. No so anymore, but I do feel guilty every time I walk by my exercise ball. Anyway, I won't be doing any more sit-ups for awhile and see what happens.

Thanks for sharing - good to know I'm not loony.


42 years old
Neither D nor C - just sluggish

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281174 - 09/07/06 10:21 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Gosh, I HOPE there's not a connection!! I go to an abs strengthening class twice a week, and pilates once a week, and I LOVE it! And actually, I NEED to keep my abs strong because I had back surgery two years ago. Because of disc degeneration (I'm only 27 - go figure!), I need to keep my abs strong so my back doesn't have to work so hard.

But - I, too, have noticed a decrease in symptoms when on vacation, and I, too, always attributed it to stress relief since I knew I was eating way more crap than I do at home!

I've never noticed a direct correlation between abs workouts and IBS, but I will pay more attention now...

Lisa, IBS-C

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281176 - 09/07/06 10:26 AM

Reged: 08/20/06
Posts: 71

I don't know about the sit ups but my doc told me to take a tennis ball and rub it on my stomach with pressure. I'm c to get the muscles moving. It didn't work but may in some may have similar response as sit ups.

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281177 - 09/07/06 10:33 AM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 85
Loc: Alabama

Yeah, see what you think. The more I think about it, the more reasonable it seems. My boyfriend also commented that perhaps abdominal exercise stimulates the Ileocecal Valve (the connection between the large & small intestines) which I've been told by various chiros has caused a lot of my symptoms (the valve is supposed to "swing" but sometimes it can get stuck open or closed).

Taking the three weeks off from my crunches was eye-opening. My stomach was actually flatter and trimmer. Once I started them up again, I got thicker right away.

I don't know if it's dangerous for you to stop doing the ab stuff for a few weeks, but I'd love to hear from others if it eases the symptoms. I'm looking forward to a guilt-free/sit-up-free month!

42 years old
Neither D nor C - just sluggish

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Re: IBS and should ask everyone in the Living Room new
      #281184 - 09/07/06 10:50 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

This is very interesting. I wonder if anyone in the Living Room has had a similar experience. You could post there too. There are generally more experienced IBS people there. Or you could do a poll about crunches and exercise in it affects IBS.

Maybe I'll have to experiment at some point. I'm having surgery for rectal prolapse in 2 weeks (yea!!), so I'm not changing anything before that. I'm just maintaining for now and see how much improvement that causes. But I won't be able to do crunches while I recover, so I guess that's when I can test it.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: IBS and should ask everyone in the Living Room new
      #281187 - 09/07/06 10:54 AM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 85
Loc: Alabama

Never been to the living room... have to check it out.

Okay, TELL ME MORE about your surgery! Not to get too personal(ha!). I think I might have that problem too??? Tell me as much as you can stand!


42 years old
Neither D nor C - just sluggish

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Re: IBS and should ask everyone in the Living Room new
      #281193 - 09/07/06 11:43 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

I don't have time to write about it now. You can search for my other posts. I have written some about it before. Or you can email me if you have specific questions: Basically if something is "coming out" when you push to have a bm, that's rectal prolapse. There are other kinds of prolapse as well, but that's the one I have.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281210 - 09/07/06 12:41 PM

Reged: 09/06/06
Posts: 5


Wow. I'm new to this site and finding all sorts of info. I work out 5 days a week, and I've noticed that I'm bloated after exercising, whether it's cardio or strength training. I don't want to give it up becuase it helps with stress/anxiety. I'll pay more attention to my tummy bloat, pre/post situps.


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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281283 - 09/08/06 06:48 AM

Reged: 09/05/06
Posts: 131

I feel the same way about the gas. Exercise gets it moving and then it can't get out. That's when I really have problems.

Courtney (IBS-D)
"Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible." Romans 12:18

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Exercise stimulates the bowel new
      #281286 - 09/08/06 06:55 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

Generally speaking moderate exercise stimulates the bowel. I notice it when I walk, swim and bicycle however, it has never caused an IBS attack even though I can feel it.

"Exercise, such as walking every day, also helps. Even a small amount of movement, such as walking in the house, helps stimulate muscles like the bowel."

STABLE: ♂, IBS-D 50+ years - Science of IBS

The FODMAP Approach to Managing IBS Symptoms
Evidence-based Dietary Management of Functional GI Symptoms: The FODMAP Approach
FODMAP Chart & Cheatsheet
The Role of Food & Dietary Intervention in IBS

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups...PROLAPSE INFO new
      #281288 - 09/08/06 07:16 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI


There are several different kinds of prolapse. I have rectal prolapse...basically the rectum falls down and starts coming out. There are others that involve the rectum, bladder, and vagina...rectocele, enterocele, cystocele...not sure which is which. You can look them up. They are all different, though. And you can have more than one. I only have rectal prolapse. I was diagnosed by a colon/rectal surgeon. He did a rectal exam and had me push while sitting on the toilet. It's a pretty simple diagnosis. The other ones require further testing to find. With a rectal prolapse you can feel something coming out when you push. For me, that's what causes the C and trapped stuff. The rectum is in the way and just doesn't let things through. It gradaully gets worse as the day goes on because the rectum falls more and more throughout the day. I think when I sleep it slides back a bit, so in the morning it's not quite as bad...some stuff will actually move out. But by evening everything feels so trapped. I can feel the gas actually pushing on my rectum but it can't break through. It's like the rectum plugs the hole. Not fun!! The main symptom is that you can actually feel something coming out. Other than that some symptoms are mucus...sometimes that's all that can squeeze through, and going mulitple times a day but not feeling like you got everything out.

My surgery is on Sept. 22. It's pretty major. They make an incision in your abdomen, remove a piece of your colon, and reattach the rectum. I'll be in the hospital for about a week, then I will be recovering for at least 4 weeks. I'm not looking forward to that, but I can't wait to feel better...and not have that in the way anymore! If you really think this is a problem, you should see a colon surgeon for anything involving the recutm and a GYN for the other kinds. HTH. Feel free to ask any more questions.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups...PROLAPSE INFO new
      #281290 - 09/08/06 07:40 AM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 85
Loc: Alabama

That is incredibly helpful (but I feel so bad for you!). Let me tell you my situation and see if it sounds like the same thing...

I have a BM every single day - no problem there. But it doesn't all come out - there's stuff trapped in there - right inside that no amount of pushing, straining or cursing will move. So, for years, I've had to either dig it out myself (used to gross me out, but now it's just one of those things) or use a glycerin suppository or an enema. I can feel something in there like a big hump, but not knowing what the rectum is supposed to feel like, just assumed it was part of the structure.

Also, this is kind of weird(?) but anytime a doctor or other health practitioner (colon hydrotherapist, etc) has inserted something in my bum, they always "miss". There seems to be an indentation right above the real hole that they always try to access first - I wonder if that could be part of a structural abnormality?

Anyway, I always assumed that this "incomplete evacuation" problem was directly related to the IBS issues, but maybe not!? Or are they somehow related - that maybe since feces doesn't move smoothly through the tube, so to speak, it jams things up throughout the system???

I can't believe the surgery is so intense!! Oh My! I sure hope it goes well for you. A week in the hospital...I can't imagine.

I assume if you have IBS that your food requirements are somewhat strict? How do you handle hospital food? I've always wondered... If I eat anything processed, I suffer greatly.


42 years old
Neither D nor C - just sluggish

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281295 - 09/08/06 08:00 AM

Reged: 08/20/06
Posts: 581
Loc: Uppsala, Sweden

I'm coming in a bit late here but...

My sister has IBS-C and she says that when she is bloated and has more gas she can't do any type of movements of foreward bend type and crunches would fit in this category I guess.

If you get gas or feel like the gas is trapped and doesn't want to come out though I recommend trying the wind relieving exercises in yoga, you can do it with right leg up first and then left leg or both legs at a time and you can try to wiggle gently from side to side or and back and forth. (See the Yoga for IBS link for picture of wind relieving exercise with one leg at a time.) These exercises really work for us anyway.

/Ulrika, IBS-D

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups...PROLAPSE INFO new
      #281296 - 09/08/06 08:02 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

I would suggest getting checked out. It can't hurt. I'm not a doctor, so I can't give you a yes or no. These can be symptoms of IBS, but not necessarily. Like I said, the main symptom is that 'something' comes out when you push. Try feeling or looking (w/ a mirror) the next time you have a BM...or are straining. Is there something protruding? That is a prolapse. There are different degrees, and at some stages it is still all internal. So, just because there isn't something coming out doesn't mean you don't have some kind of prolapse. I would have a Dr. check it out if you really want to know. If he says no, then you know and can move on. But if he says yes, there is a way to fix it!

You could just have regular old IBS w/ C. In that case, you just have to figure out what works for you. I do have to add that I think I do have some IBS as well. It's not just the prolapse. But I think the prolapse is a big part of it...and maybe part of what caused my IBS. My other big factor is stress/anxiety. I'm seeing a psychologist right now for that. And I have done the hypno program. I think the combination of therapy and surgery will make a huge improvement in how I feel. Since a lot of my problem is truly physical, I tend to eat a lot more IF than a lot of IBS people do. I try not to eat too much starchy/processed foods. I mostly eat fruits and veggies.

I am super nervous about hospital food. I've never had to stay in the hospital before. I plan to tell them that I have a restricted diet. I think you can work with a nutritionist. I can't eat some of the basic things they usual start you broth and jello. MSG is one of my worst triggers. Most broth has MSG. And jello contains gelatin...a hidden source of MSG. So I'll have to figure something out.

What does processed food do to you? Does it slow things down? Does it cause spasms? Spasms/trapped gas are my worst IBS symptom. I hope they get better after surgery.

Gotta go. I hope this helps.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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      #281341 - 09/08/06 01:50 PM

Reged: 03/12/05
Posts: 202
Loc: Orlando,FL

Hi Mary,

I didn't know that they have to remove a piece of your colon, and reattach the rectum. I thought they could fix it without removing part of your colon. Is that always the case when you have a big rectal prolapse. I made an appt for next Wed with another colon surgeon for a second opinion. My defecograpghy test result says that I have a very late(delayed)enterocele. Do you or anybody else know what "very late" means?

Thank you so much always!


The joy of the Lord is my strength !

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      #281392 - 09/09/06 03:39 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI


From what I've read they don't always remove a piece of your colon. But my Dr. is going to. He said we have 'extra'. I think it will help...less to get in the way.

I don't know what a delayed enterocele is...maybe when you're relaxed it doesn't show, but when you're really straining it's visible? I really don't know. I hope your next appt. goes well and that this Dr. can get you on the right path.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #281460 - 09/09/06 05:14 PM

Reged: 07/26/06
Posts: 74
Loc: England

hey just wanted to say when ever i do vigorous exercise , like running climbing sit ups or anything involving jumping I get a bm but gentle walking swimming and stationary or flat road cycling doesn't bother me. hope this helps.

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups...PROLAPSE INFO new
      #281557 - 09/10/06 04:53 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 630
Loc: Northern Ont. Canada

Hi Mary; I have been following your write ups about the rectal prolapse and I am quite interested in this.Meaning I could possibly have this as well, . I have proctitis colitis/IBS with D. But lately when I have a BM,I have this bulge that comes out. I have to really squeeze or push it back up and in for my sphincter to close. With my proctitis I am back to bleeding,(I was in remission for about a year up until Jan./06). I was thinking that the blood is just from the colits? or could it also be from the bulge? I have taken a look at it,yew, yes!with a mirror and it is pretty gross. When I wipe this "bulge" as sometimes I think it is back in, there is blood. Now, do you have any bleeding? I was pretty sure at one point I thought I had hemmoroids but already had that checked out last year. I am seeing my gastro Dr. in Oct. so I will ask if he could check for a bulge. Good luck with your operation, my prayers are with you. Hoping they have good food, there. I'm sure you probably won't want to eat for a bit anyways.Too bad you can't have the ice cream!! Take care Sue

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups...PROLAPSE INFO new
      #281578 - 09/11/06 04:23 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI


I would definitely ask your Dr. about it. My GI never checked for anything like that. I had to go to a colon/rectal surgeon. I'm assuming a GI knows how to check for it, but he would have to refer you to a surgeon to do something about it.

It is interesting that you have D. I'm the opposite. Although I don't think I'm C in the way most people are. The problem for me is that the prolapse is in the way. It kind of blocks the opening. So I have to eat the way a C person does so that things are soft enough to get through the small openging that is left. I've never heard of D being a symptom of rectal prolapse, but you never know.

I have never noticed any bleeding when wiping. But blood can be a sign of prolapse. When I went to the surgeon to get diagnosed he had me push 'it' out. When I had to push it back in (manually) there was a little blood on my finger. So, yes, the blood can be from the prolapse.

So, yes, get it checked out. And feel free to ask any more questions. I'm always glad when I can help someone else figure out how to get better

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: atten;Mary V IBS and Sit-ups...PROLAPSE INFO new
      #281829 - 09/12/06 11:37 AM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 630
Loc: Northern Ont. Canada

Mary-V thank you for your response. With my proctitis I have a lot of bleeding; so not sure if blood is coming from the bulge as well. After having D for 13 yrs I am finally able to have a normal BM (normal to me is a formed stool, not quite mushy!) possibly 4-8 times a day. This is a good day. But sometimes with colitis there is a "feel" to have a BM but it is only blood passing thru. I am definitely going to ask the Specialist this, he is also a surgeon, so he may have an idea what it is. Thank you again for your interest and prayers are with you on your surgery.If I have any more questions I will definitely ask! Take care. Sue

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Re: atten;Mary V IBS and Sit-ups...PROLAPSE INFO new
      #281830 - 09/12/06 11:40 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

Good luck at your Dr. appt. I hope you get some answers!

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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I read this thread and have a similar question new
      #308802 - 06/08/07 10:12 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I have always been confused about sit-ups and weight training. For me, I have always been "bulkier" on the bottom so I felt as if I should do mostly cardio and then just some weight training b/c I wanted to shed the weight FIRST and then tone it up.

However, what is the deal with sit-ups? My belly has been rounded ever since the birth of my second baby and I have flip-flopped on whether the sit-ups would help or hurt. An aerobics instructor told me that the only thing to help it flatten (after 2 c-sections) is to do cardio. But now I have been doing some exercise videos with dance/ballet/pilates and they all focus on the belly. I love how it feels and I would love to see results, but after reading this thread, I wonder if I should just attack my body with straight cardio??? It's frustrating b/c with the little time I have to exercise, I at least want to be doing the right things that will make a difference. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: I read this thread and have a similar question new
      #308872 - 06/10/07 09:12 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I can definitely vouch for the abs and - especially - pilates workouts. I've been doing both for almost three years. Pilates is a GREAT way to tone everything up! And it's a lot harder than it looks.

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #308877 - 06/10/07 09:36 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

My daughter graduates from college 6-16-07. Of course I wanted to be in the best shape as possible for this event. I do cardio 3-4 times per week and started working my upper and lower body 2x per week.

I was doing my ab work every other day, but it is an intense ab workout. I have noticed that after my ab workout my tummy hurts and there is no BM. Also, I am bloated and somewhat gassy after working my abs.

Please let me know what you find out about sit-ups and how it relates to IBS.

I have been bloated for the past few weeks and my BMs are not as frequent as they were before I started working out.

I am drinking Fennel, Ginger and Stomachease teas to help pass the gas. Meanwhile I think I will skip the ab work and just do the cardio.

If anyone finds out any "concrete facts", please post it.



God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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BUMP and Lisa Marie, question... new
      #308911 - 06/11/07 08:16 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

When you say you can vouch for the sit-ups, do you mean they help with the "rounded" stomach or cause more harm than good?

Can anyone else shed light on which way to go here? I just got off browsing on the weight watchers sight and I'm thinking maybe I should just try to lose 5 pounds first and see if that helps before continuing the pilates, etc..??? I'm confused.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #308936 - 06/12/07 11:23 AM

Reged: 04/08/07
Posts: 106
Loc: Kentucky, USA

I have found that doing hard work in the house, garden or exercise will tighten all the gut muscles in a knot. I do some simple yoga moves, twists and inversions to help relax them. That works for me. Don't stop exercising, just do some things to relax the gut muscles. I've been doing a new workout called T-Tapp and find I really like it but my gut is more rounded than it has been. New muscle, I hope. I do find taking a couple of days off of exercise calms that down so there must be some sort of inflamation going on outside of the attack type reactions.

Catnut IBS-C for many years, finally diagnosed in 2005. Wheat and dairy sensative.

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #308939 - 06/12/07 12:53 PM

Reged: 06/04/07
Posts: 169

Doing ab exercises will build muscle in the stomach area, but if you have extra fat there, only cardio will get rid of it. So you would have to do cardio to get rid of the fat for your muscles to show through. You can't do ab exercises to get rid of fat on your stomach, it doesn't work that way.

IBS-A, Interstitial Cystitis, Migraines

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Catnut and Elena new
      #308960 - 06/12/07 07:31 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Thanks so much. It makes sense what you are saying b/c if I tighten my stomach muscles, you can feel that my (rounded) belly is quite hard, thus the pregnancy is unbelievable. I always think, "Awww, if I was really pregnant, it would look so cute in this shirt!" But...I'M NOT so I guess I have to face it that you probably hit the nail on the head...I need to lose some weight, particularly the weight in my mid-section. My stomach muscles are hopefully hiding somewhere under there. I am the worst at dieting. I know it should be a change of lifestyle but I guess I'm at a plateau b/c I worked so hard to stabalize with the IBS that I'm not motivated to work toward something else. I think I'll skip the ab exercises for a week or so and see what happens. Thanks.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: IBS and Sit-ups??? new
      #308977 - 06/13/07 05:27 AM

Reged: 11/16/06
Posts: 67
Loc: NY

I exercise often. I go to Curves at least 3x's a week and I have noticed that when I avoid the abdominal machines, I don't have any discomfort in my tummy. I only noticed this when I had a bad attack a couple of weeks ago, and didn't exercise for a few days, my tummy felt fine. When I returned, I didn't do the ab exercises and didn't have any discomfort. I don't understand it myself, but I think there might be something to this.

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Thanks Roseanne...interesting. N/T new
      #308994 - 06/13/07 10:30 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: BUMP and Lisa Marie, question... new
      #309094 - 06/15/07 05:20 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I meant that I think abs workouts HELP me! I notice things start to "slow down" when I miss my exercise classes. Working my abs helps keep things moving. And my tummy is definitely way flatter than it was before I started! Yay!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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