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Re: Augi, here's my story... new
      #244929 - 02/08/06 07:52 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

I've had IBS for 14 yrs now. The first 12 I was on Fiber Con, no diet changes or anything,but one day that caught up with me & the pills suddenly stopped working. So, when my IBS got really bad, Back in Oct. '03, I went on Zelnorm for 2 weeks, the first week I took it everyday & the second week, I took it every other day. My GI also put me on a Colon cleanse at that time, which I took w/ the Zelnorm. I also take Fiscol (Fish oil), one per day, & a multivitamin. I've recently gotten off the colon cleanse, after almost 2 years & am on a generic form of Citricel pills. I take them 3x day, 2 after each meal.

Looking back, I can see how bad my diet was, popcorn,chocolate, junk food galore! I am now eating much better. I went on a fast recently. It included fruits, veggies, brown rice & bread that had no bleached flour. No butter, sugar or real fats to speak of. I was on it for 3 days. I only drink water for the most part 100-120 oz/day.
Sometimes I'll drink apple juice & of course I've become addicted to tea. I like fennel, peppermint, ginger.

I'm also very strict with my excersizing, I do a light workout in the morning, basiclly just streaching, & leglifts. After I get home from work I do the same workout, & then walk on my treadmill for 20, Every other day I lift 3 lb. weights too. On the weekends, I always do my morning workout, but usually not much eles.

But if I had to say what has helped my sanity through all this, it has been the peace of my Lord, Jesus Christ. I can't tell you how many times I would be on my knees, or on my face crying out to Him for help. Literally sobbing. I know He feels our pain. If I didn't have Him, I don't believe I would be live today, I probably would have done something drastic.

I'm so glad to hae found this website, the support is just another aspect, that is desperatly needed for us IBSer's. It has been such a blessing getting to know others & get hope & ideas from others!

So, there you have it, I can't think of anything eles. I hope this helps others, you guys sure have helped me!! Thanx!


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Re: Augi, here's my story... new
      #244939 - 02/08/06 08:08 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Thanks for sharing your story. Gives me some hope...maybe. I must say, I have heard many times that the Lord has been the greatest help for people. I keep forgetting that part of the "recipe" until I get a reminder.

I'm interested in the diet you experimented with. You said you ate veggies, fruits, brown rice and bread without bleached flour (what kind would that be anyhow). That doesn't sound like you were on the EFI diet. How did you get your SF in foods? This diet sounds more like an IF based diet. Did you have better luck with that? Just curious and desparate for relief. Are you still eating this way or have you modified it and eat differently now?

Doesn't apple juice give you problems? Is it freshly juiced?

You don't take very much fiber..only 3 grams a day. That's so great and unusual for a C person. Are you still taking the Zelnorm?

Thanks for your story...again. I appreciate you taking the time to share and try and help.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Kiwii, ditto on the L.J.C. comment! ... new
      #244945 - 02/08/06 08:15 AM
Johnny T. Reb

Reged: 07/09/05
Posts: 987
Loc: Lake Linden, Mich in the U.P. IBS-C

Hi Kiwii, Yeah, I've been there and done exactly as you have.
Also, When I was at the hospital, I asked the hospital Catho-
lic priest to give me the 'anointing of the sick' sacrement.
Since then, I've gotten a whole lot better. Beth, sorry that
I forgot to mention this to you when you brought up your holy
water idea in a thread. Obviously based on what's happened to
me, it's a very good idea, and keep at it if you're doing
it. -Bob

<img src="">

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Re: Augi, here's my story... new
      #244983 - 02/08/06 09:55 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

The fast I did is called the Daniel fast, as in the Daniel from the Bible. You can read about it in the book of Daniel. It is a fast for health & healing.If you want more details, you can google it! The bread I ate was this sourdough that I found at a market, just read the ingredients, if it says "bleachedflour, then it's no good for this fast.

For breakfast:

Applesauce w/ Ezekiel bread
(which you can find at your local heath food store)I put Smuckers 100% Simply Fruit
for breakfast
or rolled oats w/ fresh fruit.

I ate, apples (no skin), pineapple, grapes, nectorines,(you can eat any fruit you want)

And fennel crackers thatI also found at the market.

I snacked throughout the day, & then for dinner I ate boiled potatoes, brown rice, & veggies. One night carrots, another night blackeyed peas & green peas, another night boiled cauliflower!
Yeah, it was boring & somewhat difficult, but I really benefitted from it. I think it kinda retrained my bowels & helped detox a little bit. Any fast will help detox the body. But if you decide to do it, don't go for a long time on it at first if you're not used to fasting. That's why I only went 3 days.

Since then I've been eating boiled veggies, potatoes, & brown rice for lunch lately. But, I've gone back to my pretzels for snacking, now I also do alot of fruit through out the day too. I don't eat much red meat any more, just chicken. But I had to reintroduce my body back into fats slowly after the fast. I still eat small amounts of chocolate too.

Apple juice dosen't bother me, not even if its from a bottle.

I'm no longer on Zelnorm, now if get I get C, I take Lactulose, I got some from my GI. I've only taken it once so far., cuz that white cheesesauce just was too much to resist.

As for the Lord, just ask, by faith, for Him to help you, & He will. But you must believe in your heart!!! He loves you so much Augie.
Hope this helps!!


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Re: Augi, here's my story... new
      #244988 - 02/08/06 10:01 AM

Reged: 02/08/06
Posts: 5

I'm new here. Thank you for recognizing the Lord Jesus Christ as our strength and our salvation. Before I became stable (it appears it was quick for me, by reading other's struggles. My heart and prayers go out for everyone still suffering.) I would ask Jesus to come back RIGHT NOW! I still do, of course, because of my blessed hope, but it's not because I just want the pain to end. Anyone who wants to talk about Jesus and the life He offers is free to ask questions. I know this isn't an evangelism forum, but I'd be happy to talk about the changes He's made in my life over the past 14+ years since I gave my life to Him. It's great to be here. It's such a blessing to have a place to go where other people understand just what you're going through. Blessings all around.

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Re: Amen sister!-nt- new
      #244989 - 02/08/06 10:03 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546


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Re: Augi, here's my story... new
      #244997 - 02/08/06 10:24 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Thanks. I've never seen bread that isn't bleached. Do you buy it at a bakery?

Also, do you peel all your fruit or just the apples? When you say you eat fruit all day long, do you eat it on an empty tummy or with a SF?

And what type of snacks did you eat on this fast? I will google the diet.

Do you like the lactoluse? Do you take it everyday, once a day? Will you have to take it for the rest of your life? I'm taking Miralax and I hate being dependent on a laxative for the rest of my life. That's a long time to be on this medicine just so I can "go".

Oh, so many questions...sorry.

Thanks again. Sometimes it's hard to remember He loves me when I am in such pain. I get confused as to why God would allow so many of His children to be in pain when they pray for healing.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Augi, here's my story... new
      #245019 - 02/08/06 11:44 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

I bought the bread at a place called Miles market. They kinda have alot of things that most stores don't.

I peel my apples, pears, & carrots, I buy the carrots that are alredy pealled, & cut in bags, you can get them antwhere.
I usually eat my fruits on an empty stomach, wich can be dangerous for us, but I have no problem with it. The only thing I can think of that I eat that I don't peel the skin off is grapes. Everything eles I peel, even the potatoes!

I ate these funny crackers that had fennel seeds baked into them, I found them at that market too. They were good!!

I guess the Lactulose is O.k, it worked for me, but I only take it when I absolutely can't go. Are you on a soluble fiber supplement? You need to be on one.

Yeah, I hear ya on why does God let His kids suffer. This whole experience has taught me alot. Like how bad I was eating, & man has it ever brought me closer to HIm!!!!
He can use all things for good. We may never know why in this life, but rest assured, we will know in the next!!
Just look at the book of Job, He lost all his livestock, & all his kids, then, his health!!,now that is some suffering, but God used it to teach him & blessed Job more in the end, then he was in the beginning! And Job remained faithful thru it all!! You might want to read the book of Job,it helped me alot with my suffering. Also, Paul asked God to remove the "thorn" from him 3x & God responded "My grace is sufficent". We must remember, when we are weak, He is strong. What better way to demonstrate that to us than thru suffering.

Please don't apologize for the questions, I'm glad to help. I will be leaving the internet soon, but I will be back tomorrow!!


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Re: Augi, here's my story... new
      #245133 - 02/08/06 06:18 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Yes it really helps to have Jesus in your corner. You can lean on Him at any time, and at other times He'll even carry you.

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Suffering new
      #245138 - 02/08/06 06:52 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

There was a time I had the same question too about suffering. We have to remember that Jesus suffered most of all for all of us. I read this a few years ago and it changed how I look at pain and suffering:


How to Make the Greatest Evil in Our Lives Our Greatest Happiness

by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.

Suffering is the great problem of human life. We all have to suffer. Sometimes small sorrows, sometimes greater ones fall to our share. We shall now tell our readers how to avoid much of this suffering, how to lessen all suffering and how to derive great benefits from every suffering we may have to bear.

The reason why suffering appears so hard is that, first of all, we are not taught what suffering is. Secondly, we are not taught how to bear it. Thirdly, we are not taught the priceless value of suffering.

This is due to the incomprehensible neglect on the part of our teachers.

It is surprising how easily some people bear great sufferings; whereas, others get excited even at the smallest trouble.

The simple reason is that some have been taught all about suffering; others have not.


First of all, then, suffering is not simply an evil, for no one suffered more than the Son of God Himself, more than His Blessed Mother or more than the Saints. Every suffering comes from God. It may appear to come to us by chance or accident or from someone else, but in reality, every suffering comes to us from God. Nothing happens to us without His wish or permission. Not even a hair falls from our heads without His consent.

Why does God allow us to suffer? Simply because He is asking us to take a little share in His Passion. What appears to come by chance or from someone else always comes because God allows it.

Every act in Our Lord's Life was a lesson for us. The greatest act in His life was His Passion. This, then, is the greatest lesson for us. It teaches us that we too must suffer.

God suffered all the dreadful pains of His Passion for each one of us. How can we refuse to suffer a little for love of Him?


Secondly, if we accept the suffering He sends us and offer them in union with His sufferings, we receive the greatest rewards. Five minutes' suffering borne for love of Jesus is of greater value to us than years and years of pleasure and joy. The Saints tell us that if we patiently bear our sufferings, we merit the crown of martyrdom.

Moreover, suffering borne patiently brings out all that is good in us. Those who have suffered are usually the most charming people.

If we bear these facts clearly in mind, it certainly' becomes much easier to suffer.


Thirdly, when God gives us any suffering, He always gives us strength to bear it, if we only ask Him. Many, instead of asking for His help, get excited and revolt. It is this excitement and impatience that really make suffering hard to bear.

Consider that we are now speaking of all suffering, even the most trifling ones. All of us have little troubles, pains, disappointments, every day of our lives. All these, if borne for love of God, obtain for us, as we have said, the greatest rewards.


Even the greater sufferings that may fall to our share from time to time become easy to bear if we accept them with serenity and patience. What really makes suffering difficult to bear is our own impatience,our revolt, our refusal to accept it. This irritation increases our sufferings a hundred fold and, besides, robs us of all the merit we could have gained thereby.

We see some people pass through a tempest of suffering with the greatest calm and serenity; whereas, others get irritated at the slightest annoyance or disappointment. We can all learn this calm and patience. It is the secret of happiness.

An eminent physician, in a conference which he gave to distinguished scientists and fellow doctors, told them that he owed all his great success in life to the simple fact that he had corrected his habit of impatience and annoyance, which had been destroying all his energy and activity.

Everyone, we repeat, without exception, can learn this calm and serenity.


We must all do penance for our sins. If we do not, we shall have long years of suffering in the awful fires of Purgatory. This fire is just the same as the fire of Hell.

Now, if we offer our sufferings the very little ones as well as the greater ones-in union with the sufferings of Jesus Christ, we are doing the easiest and best penance we can perform. We may thus deliver ourselves entirely from Purgatory, While at the same time gaining the greatest graces and blessings.

Let us remember clearly that:

1) Sufferings come from God for our benefit.

2) When we are in the state of grace, we derive immense merit from every suffering borne patiently, even the little sufferings of our daily lives.

3) God will give us abundant strength to bear our sufferings if we only ask Him.

4) If we bear our sufferings patiently, they lose their sting and bitterness.

5) Above all, every suffering is a share in the Passion of Our Lord.

6) By our sufferings, we can free ourselves in great part, or entirely, from the pains of Purgatory.

7) By bearing our sufferings patiently, we win the glorious crown of martyrdom.

Of course, we may do all in our power to avoid or lessen our sufferings, but we cannot avoid all suffering. Therefore, it is clearly necessary for us to learn how to bear them.

In a word, we must understand clearly that if we remain calm, serene and patient, suffering loses all its sting, but the moment we get excited, the smallest suffering increases a hundred fold.

It is just as if we had a sore arm or leg and rubbed it violently; it would become irritated and painful; whereas, if we touch it gently, we soothe the irritation.

We suffer from ill-health, from pains, headaches, rheumatism, arthritis, from accidents, from enemies. We may have financial difficulties. Some suffer for weeks in their homes, some in hospitals or nursing homes. In a word, we are in a vale of tears. Almighty God could have saved us from all suffering, but He did not do so because He knows in His infinite goodness that suffering is good for us.


We have a great, great remedy in our hands, that is, prayer. We should pray earnestly and constantly asking God to help us to suffer, to console us, or if it pleases Him, to deliver us from suffering. This is all, all important.

A very eminent doctor, in an able article he recently published in the secular press, says that "Prayer is the greatest power in the world."

He says, "I and my colleagues frequently see that many of our patients, whom we have failed to cure or whose pains we have failed to alleviate, have cured themselves by prayer. I speak now not of the prayers of holy people, but the prayers of ordinary Christians."

We should above all pray to Our Lady of Sorrows in all our troubles. We should ask her, by the oceans of sorrow she felt during the Passion of Our Lord, to help us.

God gave her all the immense graces necessary to make her the perfect Mother of God, but He also gave her all the graces, the tenderness, the love necessary to be our most perfect and loving Mother. No mother on earth ever loved a child as Our Blessed Lady loves us. Therefore, in all our troubles and sorrows, let us go to Our Blessed Lady with unbounded confidence.


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother. To thee do I come, before thee I kneel, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer them.


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