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Can IBS symptoms be caused strictly by lack of sleep or stress? *rant warning* new
      #238672 - 01/15/06 10:53 AM

Reged: 12/05/05
Posts: 120
Loc: California

Or does anyone else find that this may be the case for them?
Here is my story:
I didn't have IBS symptoms until I gave birth to my son (he is now 9 months old). About 5 weeks post partum I thought I had a stomach virus or something because I had an upset tummy and other problems. After I felt "over" being sick ( about a week later ) I just began eating "normally", pretty much meaning whatever I want. I would eat dairy and chocolate and other party foods like chips, etc. I never felt sick. Then 6 weeks after that I had another "attack" like before. I didn't understand how it could be a stomach virus again, but after a week, I felt fine. This happened every month or month and a half so I finally went in to see my doc and she said the symptoms were classic IBS symptoms. I also had a lot of other tests performed to make sure. But here is why I wonder if my symptoms are brought on more by stress/lack of sleep than food: after having an attack, I could eat whatever I wanted for weeks with no ill affects. My son has NEVER slept through the night in 9 months. Maybe 5 times he has slept for a 5 hour chunk, otherwise I have not slept more than 2-3 hours in one continuous sleep. That means I have not had one solid night of sleep in over 9 months!!!! I definitely feel at my worst when we are up 6 to 9 times a night. So pretty much, I never sleep. But I also have a bit of stress. My boyfriend (my son's dad) has a very vocal mother; she always has something rude to say about how I care for my son. I know a lot of people think that I should let my son "cry it out" instead of taking care of him in the middle of the night, but that is not my style. I feel guilty when I hear him cry and I don't go to him. He needs me or he wouldn't be crying; babies are helpless, why would I want him to feel panic and abandonment? I don't think my sleep should come above taking care of him. And not only that, but she just has something to say about everything and it is never anything nice. She calls my son fat, but he's only in the 20th percentile for weight. She says my IBS is in my head. I never even complain about my symptoms to her, I just simply refuse (politely of course!) to eat the fatty foods she serves at her house. She takes offense to everything but dishes out criticism all the time. Then, she wants to tell me that since I'm engaged to her son and living with him that I have to take care/babysit her 9 year old daughter for free. And let her spend the night at my apartment! I have 2 bedrooms! One for me and my boyfriend and one for my baby. There is no where for this 9 year old to sleep. Not to mention I'm up 9 times a night and tired enough as is. And she's crazy hyper and loud. I don't HAVE to do anything for his mother, I don't owe her a thing in my opinion. Sorry for the rant. I just don't sleep and I feel stressed a lot. Today I woke up w/ D but am feeling a bit better already. I have been very careful with my diet and cannot figure anything other than lack of sleep is responsible for this morning episode. I don't mind eating like i'm on the IBS diet because it has helped me lose weight and control cravings, but doesn't it almost seem like I don't have to be eating this way? Does anyone else think that they mainly feel sick when they are tired or stressed?

Any support or advice would be appreciated!
I just don't know what to do, I can't sleep because I can't let my son cry and my boyfriend cant get up with him because he works full time and goes to school full time! And I think knowing that I never get to sleep also stresses me out!!! aaah! what to do?!?!


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For sleep is bad new
      #238678 - 01/15/06 11:27 AM

Reged: 01/11/06
Posts: 35
Loc: NY

A few years back when I was working as a paramedic as a second job, I would frequently have several nights in a row where I would lose a full night's sleep. Unfortunately, I always had to go to work the next day to my real job. The loss of sleep most definitely affected my symptoms. Even today if I get thrown off in sleep, I have problems the next day. For your situtation, my only comment is I think you need to get time for your self so you can sleep and take care of your well being. Raising a child is not a one parent job, it is two. There was an equal role in conception and there should be an equal role in responsibility.


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Re: For sleep is bad new
      #238714 - 01/15/06 04:00 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Yeah, I have a 10 month old girl and my ibs has been awful this year. Your future MIL sounds like an absolute recipe for disaster. Be careful! Also talk to your boyfriend about helping take some of the night time wakings for you. Its probably best to trade nights, so you can sometimes have a full nights sleep. We tried everything with my daughter - read lots of books on sleep - ferber, weisbluth, and several others. Ferber wasn't as "evil" as we thought, its not pure crying it out. In the end it didn't work for us, but its worked for many people. You have to do what feels right for you of course and no one has a right to criticize. Have you talked to your pediatrician about it?
My only suggestion baby-wise would be to be sure you're not going in, too soon. We found that when we stopped running in immediately and waited just 2 minutes, she would sometimes fall back asleep.
Hang in there, its not easy at all, but its worth it!

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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      #238740 - 01/15/06 06:48 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 236
Loc: Ontario, Canada

There IS NO DOUBT in my mind that stress affects IBS.

Not to mention that this past fall my dr. upped my antidepressant dose to prevent seasonal affective disorder and within days my IBS went into remission and it's been gone ever since (except one day when I mistakenly ate peppers). So again, I have no doubt that stress affects IBS.

As for the sleep thing, let me give you some advice from an experienced mom who's been through it twice.

I honestly believe that the best thing you can do for your son is teach him how to sleep through the night and/or soothe himself back to sleep. An overtired mom is not a happy or healthy mom. Chronic sleep deprivation is very hard on your system and linked to all kinds of health problems.

It's not that you CAN'T let him cry; it's that you don't want to. There is a difference, and don't get me wrong, I am totally sympathetic. I am convinced there is some kind of chemical reaction in women when babies cry. We evolved this way to make sure our babies survive.

Anyway, can you have a trusted friend sleep over for three or four days to support you/hold you back :-) while you let him cry it out?

Look into the Ferber method, which is a more gradual training program though we went cold turkey with our second son at 6 months.

First night we let our son cry himself to sleep he cried 40 minutes, second night 10 minutes, third, night 5 minutes, and that was the end of it.

As for your partner's mom, can you get him more involved in the situation? You shouldn't have to bear the brunt of her craziness.

Good luck on the stress, sleep and mother in law fronts. I've dealt with all of them, and they are NOT pleasant. I hope my suggestions are helpful. I had to respond because you have been so helpful to me.


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Can IBS symptoms be caused strictly by lack of sleep or stress? *rant warning* new
      #238746 - 01/15/06 07:34 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

What does boyfriend say about all this trouble with his mother? I think he should stand up to his mother and get her to butt out and find another babysitter for her 9yr old daughter.

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OhmyGOD!!! new
      #238751 - 01/15/06 07:53 PM

Reged: 04/28/04
Posts: 344
Loc: Fresno, CA

Ok, I don't have kids, so can't truly relate, but... my goodness, no WONDER you have IBS! Hello! That's enough stress to tie anyone's digestive system in knots. My ibs kicked in during a very stressful time at work and I will often have attacks after dealing with major stuff, like conflicts at work or with friends. So um, yeah, sounds like it is the stress and lack of sleep. She actually tells you it's all in your head? Oh, how infuriating. Wonder if you could explain to her that she's the source of your stress, ha.

As far as practical way to fix the solution... I don't know. However you can solve the stress sounds it will definitely help the ibs. The hypnosis tapes?

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Definitely, yes! new
      #238792 - 01/16/06 05:42 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Lack of sleep and stress are two major IBS triggers. A-d's and the hypno might help with them. And keeping your diet as safe as possible will also help.

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Re: Can IBS symptoms be caused strictly by lack of sleep or stress? *rant warning* new
      #238865 - 01/16/06 10:11 AM

Reged: 01/19/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Mississippi, USA

I think I experienced my worst IBS probelms when I didn't sleeep well. Stress at work was also a major factor during those worst days.

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Re: Can IBS symptoms be caused strictly by lack of sleep or stress? *rant warning* new
      #238904 - 01/16/06 11:35 AM

Reged: 12/17/05
Posts: 36
Loc: Florida

I think stress caused my IBS-D. I was just starting to interview for a new job, and was over nervous. I always had a nervous stomach, but this time it seemed to be worse. I was so nervous that I felt like staying in bed for a whole day. A few weeks later I woke up one morning feeling terrific and the cramps and D hit me on my way to work. Every since then I have had ongoing cramps that have never went away.
I have tried Heather's diet and everything else, but nothing works for me. The doc says he can put me on anxiety pills, but I'm not depressed or nervous now, so why would I want to take them. I have seen people on these pills and it makes them like zombies. I will never touch anything that will effect my mind. It may be an unconscous thing, but I feel that my stomach ache is caused by something entirely different than my mind. He even had the nerve to tell me to try not thinking about it. How do you ignore a stomach ache?

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Re: Can IBS symptoms be caused strictly by lack of sleep or stress? *rant warning* new
      #238911 - 01/16/06 11:57 AM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

IBS is actually a neurological (interaction between gut and brain is disturbed) and functional/physiological disorder, not a psychological one. Stress can aggravate your IBS symptoms but it is not the cause of IBS.

Anti-anxiety pills sometimes work because they tranquilize the gut and those awful spasms. Certain medications, like buspirone, are thought to reduce the sensitivity of the sensory nerves to what's happening in the intestine.

The fact that your doctor told you not to think about it seems like he doesn't know what IBS is or understand how to treat symptoms of IBS. I'm sorry he's not taking your symptoms more seriously.

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My doc just started me on... new
      #238915 - 01/16/06 12:04 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

buspar (is that the same thing)? because he said it would help reduce the sensitivity of the sensory nerves in the gut.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Yep! new
      #238916 - 01/16/06 12:09 PM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

Yes! Buspirone is generic for Buspar. This is what I'm on as well and it has really reduced my pain. I still have some pain but it's not constant and it's much more tolerable. I started it, not expecting it to do anything for my IBS-related anxiety or IBS symptoms, not wanting to take it at all (I was totally anti-meds until last year after trying ADs for IBS about eleven years ago w/ very unpleasant side effects), and in about two months I really started noticing a difference. The only side effects I've experienced are vivid dreams and some wooziness at first. I think they're going to start doing some more studies on Buspar as a treatment for IBS.

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Good to hear! new
      #238918 - 01/16/06 12:21 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I'll be on the generic too! How much Buspar on you on a day? Are you also on an AD?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Good to hear! new
      #238921 - 01/16/06 12:35 PM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

No, I'm not taking an AD. I take 15 mg of Buspar day (1/2 in the morning after breakfast, 1/2 after dinner). How about you? When do you start?

You should do a search on Buspar. In the beginning, I kept a log on my side effects and how I was feeling w/ it. Also, a couple other people here also take it.

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No zombies here! new
      #239014 - 01/16/06 05:14 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 236
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Anti depressants like Effexor or Paxil do NOT turn you into a zombie, and they have DEFINITELY improved my IBS.

You may be thinking of the valium type drugs.


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I wish he would stand up to his mom... new
      #239249 - 01/17/06 02:55 PM

Reged: 12/05/05
Posts: 120
Loc: California

but he never does. In fact, no one does. She is a very intimidating person. She has everyone wrapped around her little finger, including her ex husband, her new boyfriend, and her son (my boyfriend). I've never seen the woman do anything for her self. My boyfriend and I live a good 20 minutes from her, but the other day she called him on his day off (which he doesn't have many of because he works full time and goes to school full time) and insisted that he come and deliver a letter for her. The annoying part was that he had to drive 20 minutes to get to her house in order to deliver the letter to a store that was less than a mile away from her home! What a selfish, thoughtless person she is. Someone needs to stand up to her. I always say I'm going to. I don't want to be rude, but I want her to stop telling us what to do, or telling me how everything I do is wrong, but she is so scary in person that I never have the nerve! Too bad he's such a wimp. I think it's harder to expect me to stand up to my future MIL. I can sort of see his position though; He just wants to make her happy because, as you can probably tell, she just likes to complain about everything and put people down. All her kids want is to make her happy.
Well, enough complaining again...but
What a terribly stressful thing for me and my tummy...


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Thank you... new
      #239251 - 01/17/06 03:03 PM

Reged: 12/05/05
Posts: 120
Loc: California

all for your responses and suggestions. I wish my b/f could get more involved and help me more with our son at night, but I can't ask him to because he's already exhausted from work and school. He's gone from 6 am to 11 pm 5 days a week and then works full time two other days. I know he's just as burnt out as me. And he won't stand up to his mother in any way, shape, or form. He doesn't care what kind of stress she puts on me/our relationship because he's far too worried about keeping her happy. Besides, she likes to threaten him with his college fund. If he doesn't do what she says, then she says she won't pay for his schooling, books, etc. Maybe he'll start to stand up to her next year when he's finished college. I can only hope I guess. And I also know that I don't want to let my son cry at night...there is no knowing whether or not in a week or so he will be sleeping through the night. I spend the days at my mom's house so that I can do my college online courses, and I always drive my son home after dark. We are in the car for 20 minutes every night, around 7:30 pm, and he cries his eyes out- actually, he screams bloody murder! We have been driving this same distance, at the same time, 5 times a week since August and he still hasn't adjusted to it. He is in the back seat all by himself, but I try to comfort him by talking to him while we drive, or playing his music. After 20 minutes, we get home and I comfort him. Why does he still scream after months and months of this same, daily experience? Because of this, I worry that there is no way the Ferber method will work for him at night. He hasn't learned that he doens't need to cry in the car, why would he learn not to cry at night? who knows, but I just don't want to put him or me through the stress the crying causes. I guess I just have to start trying to manage my stress and catching up on sleep when my boyfriend has days off from work...

again, thanks for everyone's responses. I appreciated them all!


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Re: I wish he would stand up to his mom...
      #239608 - 01/18/06 05:40 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 236
Loc: Ontario, Canada

What a difficult situation. Maybe you could call Dr. Phil !!!!! )

He's had some crazy mother in laws on.


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Thank you... new
      #239610 - 01/18/06 05:43 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 236
Loc: Ontario, Canada

We all have to decide for ourselves what the worst evil is. Sounds like you know what yours is: letting baby cry. That's ok, and if in the future you can't deal with any more, you can always do something different.


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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