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girl problems
      #223418 - 11/06/05 03:44 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

Hey guys ... er ... girls! Need some advice.

(Warning -- gross female stuff ahead. If you are a guy, avert your eyes and go watch football.)

I just can't stabilize. I've been on Heather's diet for well over a year and I think the longest I've been able to go without taking Imodium is probably about 3 days. I got a lot worse early this summer, and then I went off birth control. I've been in hell ever since.

I am getting these strange attacks. At first I just thought they were unusually horrible D attacks. Eventually, I figured out they weren't really D. They are really horrible crampy pains low in my abdomen. During a bad attack, they are almost constant. During a "mild" attack, they come in regular intervals of 5-15 minutes apart. The pain washes over me in a wave and leaves me sweating and dizzy. Sometimes my vision goes black. I usually end up having to put my head on my knees because I'm afraid of passing out. A "mild" attack is about a billion times worse than my worst D attack. Nothing I can take touches this -- I simply have to wait it out. Usually it lasts around 3 hours. Although I do typically eventually get D during this, it feels like the D is incidental -- like it's kind of being forced out just because my insides are contorting so much. There is no rhyme or reason to when these attacks occur. They tend to happen every 3-4 days, but sometimes if I get a bad one I'll have another the next day. They can happen at 3:30 pm, at 7:30 a.m., whenever. A few times I've woken up in the middle of the night with one. I've been eating nothing but bread and potatoes and it has made absolutely no difference. (until yesterday, when I went insane and ate like half a bag of leftover Halloween candy. But let's draw a veil over that one.)

I also have constant pelvic pain -- sometimes this awful dull gnawing ache, sometimes like unusually bad menstrual cramps. Sometimes -- but not all of the time -- I have a sharp piercing pain (not burning) when I pee. My husband and I don't have sex anymore because the last few times we tried it was so painful for me I started bawling. For the last couple years, sex has been gradually more painful and I usually bleed afterwards. I always mention this each year at my pelvic exam/Pap and get only "Interesting. Pay your co-pay at the desk on your way out."

The longer I've been off birth control, the worse my periods have gotten. My first period off birth control was right on schedule, but it lasted for a week and a half. The next period was two weeks. The one after that was two weeks and two days. About a week after my last period, I had the worst attack I've ever had, and in the middle of it started bleeding like I was having my period. It wasn't much, though, maybe 1/2 t or so of bright red blood. The next day I had another really bad attack and had a LOT of blood, including a ton of thick almost black clots. Next day? No blood at all.

So I was finally freaked out enough to go to the doctor. I got in the next day and the first thing she said after hearing my tale of woe was if I had gotten checked out for endometriosis before. I said no. So she is sending me to a gynecologist. I don't get in until the 23rd of this month, which is actually pretty fast for this guy, but which right now feels like an eternity for me. The doctor did do a bunch of bloodwork for some hormone tests or something, but they hadn't gotten the results back yet last time I called.

I know nothing about endo. I did a little reading on it, just the basic info on like WebMD and Yahoo health. Superficially the symptom list is dead-on, but I guess that I'm not so sure these stupid pain episodes quite match up. Is what I'm experiencing maybe some kind of uterine contractions?? The only other time in my life I've had similar pain was when I had a miscarriage five years ago. When I wasn't in the bathroom I was curled in a fetal position on my bed wishing I were dead.

I did a search on the boards for endometriosis and didn't come up with much that was too helpful.

Anyway, I'm not asking for a diagnosis, but I want to be super-aggressive with the gynecologist to make sure I get stuff ruled out. So, I also read that you need to have a laproscopy done to truly be diagnosed with endo. If the gyno tells me he doesn't think I have endo, should I stamp my foot and say "Give me the laproscopy first!!!"? And since I'm at the gyno's anyway, should I bring up ovarian cancer since it's also mixed up with endo and IBS? I don't want to sound like a hypochondriac who spends too much time on the Internet looking up diseases, but at the same time, I'd rather be a hypochondriac than dead. The only thing is I think there isn't a reliable screening for ovarian cancer, just the CA-125 blood test which isn't that accurate. So I'm not sure how you'd actually rule out that one. I know, I should go Google it.

I also got put on 500mg Relafen twice a day. It's no miracle drug, but boy, has it helped. It's a NSAID and should theoretically be tearing up my guts, but I actually feel much better on it. It doesn't do a whole lot for the vicious attacks, but it helps quite a bit with the day-to-day stuff.

Sorry the novel. Any thoughts are appreciated ...


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Re: girl problems new
      #223427 - 11/06/05 04:37 PM

Reged: 06/06/05
Posts: 163
Loc: Texas

My first thought was endometriosis. I've had laproscopic surgery for that before. It did wonders for the pain and I actually had a very mild case. They'll probably do a pelvic sonogram (internal sonogram...not the on-the-top-of-the-stomach kind) first though. It will at least reveal if there is anything there that shouldn't belong where it is! If you've never had one before (I've had a couple) just laugh and tell the tech to make the thing vibrate and you'll be a happy woman! lololol hehe

Hopefully, the ob/gyn you're going to see is not the same one you are currently seeing for your regular yearly check ups. That one definitely needs to be replaced....quickly!

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Re: girl problems new
      #223445 - 11/06/05 05:50 PM

Reged: 04/28/04
Posts: 344
Loc: Fresno, CA

Oh honey! You are going through hell. I am so sorry. This definitely doesn't sound ibs related. IBS ain't that bad! (never thought I'd say that!!) You definitely need to demand answers. If you don't get them, go down your list of possibilities. No one deserves to be in this much pain. (and you may just be right, my gp swore I had allergies and wanted to send me to an allergist, but I knew I didn't and I ended up being right.)

Poor thing. I don't have any experience with endo, but man, if you don't get the answers you need, demand a second opinion. good luck.

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Re: girl problems new
      #223562 - 11/07/05 01:20 PM

Reged: 09/24/04
Posts: 179


I just saw this today. I wanted to give some input since I have had my share of female troubles. Have you ever had an ovarian cyst? Have you ever had an ultrasound to check for them? Cysts can be wicked painful and D can just be a side effect. I had a cyst on my ovary that was about 10X bigger than the ovary itself. The ovary finally rotated and fell because of the weight and of course it had to come out. OUCH!!!!! I don't want to scare you but maybe you could see some one before the 23rd just ot get a pelvic exam and ultrasound to make sure you don't have something like that going on. Maybe you could see a GP now and still keep the appointment with the gyno if he is supposed to especially good. If I was in as much pain as you, I would stop at nothing to find the cause. So what if the doctors think you're a basket case. My doctors always do, but not so much now that they understand I have been very sick and they tend to take me more seriously when I have a complaint. My doctor still calls me a stress dog (whatever that is) but who cares! I'd rather be thought of as a little strange than dead like you said. I would also inquire seriously about ovarian cancer. I think that being young and looking fairly healthy can really work against you when visiting the doctor, but be persistent and don't let them brush you off! I feel so bad for you because of all the pain. I've been there. Good luck with finding out what it is. I would definitely be leary of travel at this time. Please see some one ASAP!


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Re: girl problems new
      #223580 - 11/07/05 02:16 PM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 909
Loc: Brisbane, Australia

Hi Jen,

I must admit that half way through your post before you mentioned it I was thinking endo too.

I have been checked for it several times and gotten the all clear as in the past i've had similiar cramping pains which end in D. I didn't have endo but I did have a large ovarian cyst.

I always think that anything period related going on can affect/upset the IBS. I know there have been quite a few posts on that.

My periods have always been so irregular and I had major fertility struggles but since having my second son I've had a period every month and I can really notice the way it affects the IBS.

I would think that once you get this issue diagnosed and treated the cramping attacks will be a lot better.

Good luck and I definately agree that the doc you've been seeing for the yearly paps should be replaced!

Good Luck

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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thanks, ladies ... new
      #223598 - 11/07/05 03:47 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

I didn't think about an ovarian cyst. Yuck. But that seems like more comforting than endo. I did have an abdominal CAT scan back in August of 2004 and it didn't show anything. Guess I'm not sure if it would.

You know, though, since I've had all these tests that came back negative, I sort of have this "oh, there's not anything really wrong" thing lurking at the back of my mind. So while what's happening now scares me, and when I'm having an attack I feel miserable and terrified, at the same time I keep thinking that suddenly I'll just feel fine again. If it turns out I really do have a problem (in addition to IBS), I think I'll pass out from shock.

I actually don't have an ob-gyn ... I go to my GP for my yearly pelvic/pap. I meant to go to one this year since I wanted to get pregnant soon, but just haven't gotten around to it. Going in somewhere else isn't really an option at this point since my appointment is only a little over two weeks away, and I'm not going to get in anywhere else much faster. My GP specifically sent me to the gyno because she felt out of her league, so there's no good going back there.

So until then, I will just try to hang on. I had another attack today and had to stay home from work. It was a little overdue, actually, so the irrational "maybe it'll just go away" hope had started creeping in again.

The doctor's office called today with the blood test results and reported everything was OK except I am a little anemic. But I forgot to ask what she tested for. I know she was testing some hormone stuff, so all that must be OK. I'm not sure how much you can test w/ blood, though. Ugh, I am so uneducated.


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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I don't believe this new
      #224453 - 11/11/05 08:37 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

I am getting my period AGAIN. I just bled buckets a week ago. Where the !@#$ is all this coming from????? AGGGGGHHHHHH

sorry I feel so helpless. I'm cramping again and will probably spend half of tomorrow in the bathroom.

this sucks so much!


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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So wait... new
      #224462 - 11/11/05 09:59 PM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

ARE you getting checked for endometrioisis?? I had a screwy schedule a few years ago (I'd have a period, then 45 days later another, then 15 days another one...) and went on the pill to regulate. I went off when I got married, and have been off since, and my cycle has evened off so I'm pretty regular.

I know my sister in law has polycystic ovary disease but she had NO period, not excessive bleeding. I would definitely pursue this, especially since you want to get pregnant soon. Good luck with that. I'm hypersensitive about that area of my body because I want to have a baby soon too. Don't worry about sounding like a hypochondriac. Who cares, as long as you can find out what the problem is. Much better to be proactive.


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Re: So wait... new
      #224487 - 11/12/05 08:30 AM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

Yes, I'm going to get checked out for endo. But my appointment isn't until the 23rd.

I've been on birth control pretty much non-stop for the last five years. Before that, my cycles were always very regular. I did try going off BC when I first started experiencing mild IBS problems. I didn't give it long enough, only a couple months. That was when my IBS got bad, and I started breaking out, and my periods were getting rough, so I went back on the pill.

Up until the last couple weeks, I just figured I was going through an adjustment period for going off the pill, but the longer I've been off, the more horrible it's becoming. So I don't know what's going on.

Good luck on the baby-making!! Have you decided yet if you're going to stay at work full-time, or are you going to try to get part-time at least for a little while?


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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You poor thing! new
      #224490 - 11/12/05 08:42 AM

Reged: 02/15/05
Posts: 1999
Loc: Northern Illinois, USA

Oh, Jen! I don't have any advice whatsoever. Though I've gone through a fair amount (for me anyway) with my health this year, I haven't had to endure anything like what you are dealing with. I just wanted to say I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.

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