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definitly not stablizing- PLEASE HELP!
      #221954 - 10/28/05 10:46 PM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

Just hoping someone may have some ideas for me. I've been doing the all soluble fiber diet for 2 days now since Ive recently been feeling especially badly (i'm IBS-C), but so far it really hasn't helped. If anything i've been more bloated. Tonight its the worse its been in a while- I'm seriously bloated, gassy(have that bubbly feeling in my stomach- i can even hear it), and i even feel nauseous. Earlier I ate half a sweet potato, some portabella mushroom, and later a tiny bit of white rice and a few Glenny's lightly salted soy crisps. In general i've been eating mostly oatmeal, rice, potatoes, bananas, and the soy crisps,and drinking a lot of water. Can anyone tell possibly why i'm not feeling better, actually more bloated? Am i doing something wrong? Maybe its cause my body isnt used to such food(I dont usually eat much in the way of carbs)? Maybe just need to do it for a couple more days? Sorry for the novel, but i'm DESPERATE for help and to feel better. Thanks SO much for your help!

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Re: definitly not stablizing- PLEASE HELP! new
      #221956 - 10/29/05 02:40 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

I'd say you need to start introducing safe IF NOW! The BTC diet can only be done for 3 days MAX if you are C. So 2 days might be all your body can take before the C starts getting worse from no IF. Introduce it very carefully - think cooked and pureed IF veggies (NB. not peeled as that actually removes the If instead of just making it safer to digest).

Tho please check the fat content on the crisps...I assume you've already checked them for triggers?


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Maybe try cutting out the soy crisps new
      #221971 - 10/29/05 06:29 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Soy can be very gassy and cause bloating for lots of us. Soy is a bean and maybe your body just doesn't like soy. Just a thought.

I don't eat soy, but I'm still bloated and gassy. And like Linz said, if you are C, I would get some IF in now. C takes so much longer to mangage.

Also, oatmeal can be a problem for some people. Why not try cream of rice or malt o meal or cooked quinoa flakes as an alternative hot cereal for a few days. Or try eating the instant oatmeal which some people find easier to digest than the oatmeal.

It could also be the introduction of so many carbs without eating other sources of foods, like protein and veggies. I personally think carbs are gas and bloat producers. Even though they serve as excellent SF.

Are you taking an SFS? Maybe the one you chose is not agreeing with you?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Maybe try cutting out the soy crisps new
      #221998 - 10/29/05 10:55 AM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

yea i strted thinking that soy might be part of the problem-i tend to forget it's a bean. But i was gonna try using Beano- have either of you ever tried it? As for the oatmeal, i did get instant, but just today saw it said "whole grain." Missed that minor detail...Is this still a more tolerable form, or does it have to be instant and not whole grain? I will start adding in some IF, but how much SF with/before IF is enough? I just ordered the Tummy Fiber so hopefully that will help.
Augie, with regard to bloating, did you see the recent post about it in which someone recommended the yoga poses? I havent tried them, but I, porb like you, am desperate to get rid of it, so I plan on giving them a whirl. Good luck with yours!
And thanks to y'all so much for your help!

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Re: Maybe try cutting out the soy crisps new
      #222011 - 10/29/05 01:30 PM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA


Soy can be very gassy and cause bloating for lots of us. Soy is a bean and maybe your body just doesn't like soy. Just a thought.

I don't eat soy, but I'm still bloated and gassy. And like Linz said, if you are C, I would get some IF in now. C takes so much longer to mangage.

Also, oatmeal can be a problem for some people. Why not try cream of rice or malt o meal or cooked quinoa flakes as an alternative hot cereal for a few days. Or try eating the instant oatmeal which some people find easier to digest than the oatmeal.

It could also be the introduction of so many carbs without eating other sources of foods, like protein and veggies. I personally think carbs are gas and bloat producers. Even though they serve as excellent SF.

Are you taking an SFS? Maybe the one you chose is not agreeing with you?

Good points Augie... I know personally if I ate oatmeal more then 1-2 days in a row, I would get an attack. I don't know if this is still true but I don't ever try to find out!


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Patience! new
      #222021 - 10/29/05 02:24 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I know this isn't going to be what you want to hear, but you have to have patience, stick with it, and start adding insoluble fiber back into your diet. IBS-C'ers rarely feel better after the breaking-the-cycle part of the diet - actually, I'm not even a C'er, and it seriously took me a couple months to feel better!

But as someone who's stable now, after a lot of struggling, you have to believe me: stick with it, follow the diet, and the results WILL be worth it! Just be sure to start increasing your IF, gradually increase your SFS, drink plenty of water/herbal tea, exercise, and avoid those trigger foods (dairy, red meat, fat, caffeine) like the plague.

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Re: definitly not stablizing- PLEASE HELP! new
      #222023 - 10/29/05 02:42 PM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 909
Loc: Brisbane, Australia

Hi there,

I can so appreciate how you feel. I could have been writing those exact words myself a while back.

I haven't read the other replies so I may be repeating what others have said - sorry.

Don't get too down as with IBS C (which is what I have) it can take up to two weeks to stabilise. Please stick with it because if you revert to some other eating habits you will be back where you started and whther you can feel it or not you have made progress over the last few days. It's hard to keep going with it when you don't feel improvements yet but keep posting to us for support.

I would probably cut out the soy crisps for now. There are other things you can have to snack on whle stabilising. maybe some dry corn flakes or apple sauce or something. I know it seems very limited but think how much better you'll feel in the long run after you are stable.

a few other things that are just as beneficial as what you are eating:

Do you take soluble fibre supps? I like benefiber, it never adds to the bloating.

Try to get out for a walk each day, even if it's only around the block. Exercise really helps to get things moving (literally!)

Relaxation - CD's or just giving yourself time to lie still and read. Stress does not help.

Sleep - get enough of it.

I broke the cycle over two years ago now. I found I really needed to work on the other areas as well as the diet. I notice a difference if I let any of those things slide. I stick to Heather's diet guidelines ALL the time and I can honestly say I have not been constipated since breaking the cycle and getting stable. i do still suffer with bloating from time to time and from reading other posts I think this is quite common but in general life is SO SO much easier and better now.

Good luck with it, hope you feel a lot better soon, you are NOT alone!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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I second that! new
      #222024 - 10/29/05 03:20 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

I'm sorry that what Casey said is really not what you wanted to hear, but I have been unstable since August and there IS NO QUICK FIX......I have tried all of it!

All of the fads, all of the diets.....I am a VERY impatient person and I wanted to be stable IMMEDIATELY! Everything I tried just made it that much worse. The Atkins diet, probiotics, all kinds of supplements: slippery elm, marshmallow, digestive enzymes, Primal Defense, Intestinal Soothe and Build....all of it!

Once I stopped taking all of the supplements and crap I started to see immediate results. I could at least eat without getting nauseous. I began eating safely according the heather's diet and I take Citrucel three times a day (have been since 2003)....but, I was still having attacks. It was very frustrating......but, now I'm finally beginning to stabilize, again. I was having attacks every single day and it's been a week and I have not had an attack. I haven't been 100% all week, but I haven't been really sick like I usually am. I know that it's going to take alot more time on this diet because my diet is still mostly SF. Every time I start to incorporate IF, I fall off the wagon. So, it's going to take a long time for me to stabilize completely. Last time this happened, it took me a year to stabilize....It was a rough road and when I got there, too much chocolate and too much stress taking on two jobs put me here, again!! I really didn't think I would ever get sick again but I did.
It sucks, but stick with it and you WILL get better!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: definitly not stablizing- PLEASE HELP! new
      #222025 - 10/29/05 03:24 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Perhaps try some tea, i.e. fennel for the bloating. Maybe something minty for the nausea?

Seriously, it can take awhile to stabilize. Stay calm and be kind to yourself. You're doing all the right things.

I had a thought re: bloating. Salt/sodium causes some people to bloat. How much are you using on your food?
I agree with everyone that it may be too soon for Soy Crisps.

Are you taking a SFS? I take Benefiber and personally experience no bloating.

Also, you say you're not accustomed to eating so much FILLING and satisfying, healing soluble fiber so perhaps your body is getting used to secreting the proper enzymes to digest the food, so it takes time to realign your gastric/digestive juices. I take enzymes to help with this and it SERIOUSLY eliminates bloating.

Hang in there. It really takes time. I have IBS-D and I know that after a big time D streak, until I stabilize, I experience bloating. Also, if I don't drink alot of water, I get bloated.

Kate, IBS-D.

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about those enzymes... new
      #222029 - 10/29/05 04:14 PM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

Thanks for the help Wind/kate. I just ordered the Acacia Tummy Fiber (and fennel tea), but maybe in the meantime i'll go get benefiber- Do you think both should work about as well as the other?
What are the enzymes you take? How/where can i get them? I LOVE the idea of something reducing my bloating- so far nothing's worked.

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IBS-C "attack?" new
      #222030 - 10/29/05 04:24 PM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

Good points Augie... I know personally if I ate oatmeal more then 1-2 days in a row, I would get an attack.

Fishnets- I see you're IBS-C and you say oatmeal can give you an attack, but what exactly constitutes an "attack" with IBS-C ( while with D. its obvious)? Is it sudden prolonged C. when things had been moving well, bloating, gas? If its an onset of prolonged C., isnt it hard to tell what exactly it was of what you ate that caused it? I'm alwys bloated/gassy, and often stopped up so i guess i wouldnt know what my attacks are like/when/from what i get them. I'd like to know so i can start paying better attention and figure out what foods exactly bother me! thanks!

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an example of your typical daily eating? new
      #222032 - 10/29/05 04:36 PM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

KinOz, thanks a lot. So reassuring to hear from another IBS-C that you've gotten better (there is hope! haha). I'll work on the things you mentioned. I already exercise a lot, which i find helps somewhat, but not with the bloat. Stress and sleep is a big issue for me since i'm in college, but i'm working on those.
I wondered if you would give me an example of what you typically eat in a day that you find helps you? I think it would really help to see what another eats that has been working. Thanks so much for the support!

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Thanks everyone! new
      #222035 - 10/29/05 04:47 PM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

Thanks so much to all who replied! It's so nice to get advice from people who know what it's like, especially since I do feel so lost. All this can be so overwhelming. Last night i broke down out of sheer frustration and a sense of hopelessness, but y'all have made me feel alot better, like there light at the end of the tunnel. Patience is definitly not one fo my strongsuits , but I know it's important so I'm gonna work on that and your other suggestions. I really appreciate the advice and support- good luck to all of you!

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Re: about those enzymes... new
      #222060 - 10/29/05 07:15 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I take SISU Multi Enzymes. Here's a website with the info./details: . They're full spectrum.

There are other brands/companies as well. Explore your health food store. Alot of people on the boards swear by DIGESTIVE ADVANTAGE. I've never taken that one.

Patience. Honestly, it really does take time. I know, personally though that ENZYMES have really eliminated gas/bloat/pain. When I refer to ENZYMES, I mean something more potent than Beano. Although, that really works for IF foods you might have problems with! (I keep that handy!)

Kate, IBS-D.

Edited by Wind (10/29/05 07:18 PM)

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Re: Thanks everyone! new
      #222062 - 10/29/05 07:22 PM

Reged: 10/28/05
Posts: 14
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hi All!

I am also IBS-C, and have been reading this thread...I have learned so much. I have not added back any IF really, thought it was too soon, but obviously not. I have been following the diet for a couple of weeks, now, but with pretty much all SF foods. I also take Benefibe three times daily.

I'm wondering, how much IF foods to re-introduce at what rate? I also have EXTREME gas and bloating EVERYDAY! It is beyond I really do feel your pain. I also am not the most patient person, and want to get better now.

Any other advice to stability would be appreciated!

Thanks guys,


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Yeah, I forgot to mention... new
      #222072 - 10/29/05 08:45 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

It took me just about a year to get to a point where I can call myself "stabilized". And yes, it was totally frustrating, but now that I'm there, it really, truly was/is worth all the aggravation and tweaking with the diet. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, but unfortunately, it's not always a short tunnel! LOL Hang in there!

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Re: about those enzymes... new
      #222073 - 10/29/05 08:56 PM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

I looked on the site and see there are regular SISU multi enzymes, extra strength, and plus- so you just take the regular ones? How often/when with regard to meals do you take them? Do you know if they might be problematic with other medicines? Guess i'll just have to ask my doc. Thanks so much- I'm definitly gonna give them a try!

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Re: Give yourself some more time... new
      #222074 - 10/29/05 09:00 PM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

Remember, this isn't a quick fix. It sounds like you're doing everything right, it's just going to take a while for your GI tract to "calm" down. Your bloat probably has to do with the fact you're getting in more fiber and eating foods you're not used to. Also, it may be that you were malnutritioned and to begin eating new foods and with more frequency, you're body is just adjusting.

I'll try to explain what happens: When you're not eating certain foods regularly your digestive systems doesn't produce enough of the enzymes needed to digest them. That's why you introduce them in a little at time-- to build up a tolerance by increasing the production of those necessary enzymes. While your body is adjusting, you may experience more gas and bloating because these foods are not getting fully digested and end up in the large intestine where they are broken down by bacteria and create gas. HOWEVER, this effect lessens because, as you continue to eat these foods, your digestive tract starts producing more of those helpful enzymes. This is especially obvious with beans, although they're not something you want to try right away and you want to make sure when (or if) you start eating them that they're pureed, mechanically broken so they're easier for you to digest.

Kate/Wind had a great suggestion with the enzyme supplements. She knows her stuff!

Edited by SPASMTASTICAL! (10/29/05 09:17 PM)

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Re: Michelle new
      #222077 - 10/29/05 09:14 PM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

Yes, it does take a while to stabilize! And it's the IF that gets me everytime. Actually, it's not the IF, but it's the way I eat IF foods: too much at one time! It's taken me years to figure out the balance, and even now I mess it up. I don't have any exact measure (so, please, no one ask me about SF-IF ratios )- I've just had to learn my limits and always remember that as a D the more SF the better!

I was stable for a few years--I actually thought I had this thing beat, but then I got some bug going around the office and it's taken me more than a year to recover.

Anyway, sorry to go on so long. I hope you get stable soon and that you stay that way as long as possible.

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Re:I spoke too soon! new
      #222099 - 10/30/05 07:33 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

I ate some applesauce last night at about 7:00pm and had one mother of an attack. Nausea, followed by horrible abdominal pains and feeling like I had to go and nothing would come out! This went on until 12:00am!!!! Now, I'm even more backed up because I had to end up taking 5 pepto to keep the nausea down so I wouldn't throw up!!!!!!! Wow, I will NEVER AGAIN IN MY LIFE EVER EAT APPLESAUCE!!!!!!!! That hurt really bad..........I haven't tried to eat yet, today. I didn't get to sleep until 2:00am and got up at 11:00 and took my Citrucel. We'll see how today goes!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: Sunni new
      #222100 - 10/30/05 07:37 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Just to let you know, I am about at the same point where you are right now and I would not try applesauce right now if I were you!!! It gave me one MOTHER of an attack last night! It was about a 5 hour attack just from one little thing of applesauce!!! Try peas and carrots, cooked, first. I was able to tolerate those better yesterday than the applesauce. It was too acidic, I think, for my system.
Good Luck!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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introducing IF foods new
      #222106 - 10/30/05 09:26 AM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

I second Sunni's q: after haing eaten all SF foods for a few days, whats the best way to re-introduce IF foods into your diet (as in which IF foods and at what rate)? Can you add in zero fiber, safe things like egg whites and low fat meats(seems like meat isnt generally advocated by many-why)? And the veggies have to be cooked and pureed, right? Thanks!

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Introducing veggies new
      #222130 - 10/30/05 01:13 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Introduce the SF fruits/veggies first, so cooked carrots, bananas, etc. Some people are very sensitive to fructose so applesauce is not 100% safe for them so maybe wait on that. I'd also advocate eating any fruits or veggies after safe SF like rice at this stage.

Then try peas and finely chopped or peeled zucchini (the inners are SF high), all cooked and after SF.

Then try adding in other veggies after SF minimising (but neccesarily getting rid of by peeling) the IF as you need.

Get the book as well!

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Re: about those enzymes... new
      #222139 - 10/30/05 02:52 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I take one or two enzymes whenever I eat anything. One if it is a small snack/mini-meal, i.e. a banana or applesauce or bowl of cereal. For anything larger, I take two.

Hope that's helpful. I despise feeling ill, having gas/bloating, indigestion, nausea/vomitting, etc.

Kate, IBS-D.

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Re: about those enzymes... new
      #222147 - 10/30/05 06:16 PM

Reged: 09/01/05
Posts: 255
Loc: Maryland

Hello there- I am also IBS-D and I use digestive enzymes from market america. They seem to be the answer to my prayer. I drink them 3-4 times a day. The website I get them from is www. (my neighbor is the unfranchise owner) and I truly believe in them. I stopped taking them for 2 weeks while I was trying to get pregnant with my 2nd child and my body flipped upside down so I started on them again and poof the tummy problems went away! Good luck and hopefully we will hear good news soon!

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I second enzyme usage new
      #222149 - 10/30/05 06:17 PM

Reged: 09/01/05
Posts: 255
Loc: Maryland

I get them from and they are the answer to my prayers! Good luck

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Re: about those enzymes... new
      #222186 - 10/30/05 10:06 PM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

I notice that both of you are IBS-Ds. I'm IBS-C, do you think the enzymes would be good for me too?
Thanks for your suggestions and the websites!

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Re: about those enzymes... new
      #222196 - 10/31/05 03:31 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Yes, I do--especially after reading your complaints/concerns.

Enzymes basically organize the process of digestion. They assist those that are "challenged" in this area.

They help you break down your food so that you absorb as much as possible from it. The also reduce or eliminate g.i.

When food insults the gut one way or the other, a little help from diet and supplements is in order.

Plus, alot of people have poor gastric juices.

I feel/experience the difference, personally. My body doesn't know what to do with food unless I pop a pill to give it a few instructions/cues.

Seriously...I think I'd just live on sugar/electrolytes without those pills and just give up food altogether because it's frustrating.

Kate, IBS-D.

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Re: I think I will do the enzymes again new
      #222215 - 10/31/05 06:49 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

My husband says that I felt better when I was taking the Digest Gold enzymes from Enzymedica. They're expensive as hell, but I do think they helped. The Garden of Life enzymes were cheaper so I bought those this month and they just hurt my tummy SOOOOO bad so I stopped taking them. But, the Digest Gold never upset my stomach. They shouldn't, anyway, because they're soo expensive! Just be careful with them because the high amount of protease in them relieves constipation. So, if you're having diarrhea it can make it worse. Sometimes it would make mine worse if I took too many. I probably only took 1 a day. When I was taking 3 a day, I couldn't stop the diarrhea.

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: about those enzymes... new
      #222279 - 10/31/05 11:31 AM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

Thanks, I will definitly give them a try. I agree with you, I've pondered a way to live without eating- it's so damn overwhelming and frustrating trying to figure all this out, what works/doesn't for me, etc. Hopefully i will soon ... But sounds like the enzymes might really help.
Thanks everyone for your input!

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My experience with the digestive enzymes new
      #222289 - 10/31/05 12:07 PM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

I am IBS-C with pain, bloat, gas, etc. I have been using Digest Gold enzymes for about 10 months and haven't found them to do anything. I have all the symptoms still!

Why do I keep taking them? Because I'm too scared to stop. Is it possible to feel even worse?

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Re: My experience with the digestive enzymes new
      #222339 - 10/31/05 03:22 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

I went and bought some today and they haven't done a thing for me, yet, either. I don't know if it was the digest gold that was making me feel better but it's worth a shot. My husband seems to think they helped me feel a little bit better than I do right now. But, I took the Digest Gold between meals, not with meals, and I also took 2 Gastro after I ate anything. It's not helping me right now, though. I have been taking the Gastro for the past 2 years and usually they help but they aren't helping right now at all......
This Sucks!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: My experience with the digestive enzymes new
      #222342 - 10/31/05 03:49 PM

Reged: 10/31/05
Posts: 2

I am new to this board so I am not quite sure if I am doing this right. I have had IBS-D since 1999. I thought it was under control but since Friday, 10-29-05 the horror days are starting again. I have had watery diarrhea since actually since Saturday and am following some of Heather's tips. Peppermint teas, took Imodium but the watery diarrhea is still continuing. I was in Mexico the week of October 24th and I did really well, but when I came back into the States is when I starting having the problem. I don't know whether I contracted something or whether I was feeling so good that I ate the wrong things. I am becoming depressed again, I just can't keeping going on with this. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Re: IBS-C "attack?" new
      #222352 - 10/31/05 04:16 PM

Reged: 07/14/04
Posts: 108

Hello.....I am not "Fishnets", but I can tell you what an IBS-C attack is like. You get SEVERE on and off cramping and nausea. It's like having the flu without vomiting. It lasts for a couple of hours and when it's finally over, you feel like you just got over the flu. Then it takes a half to almost a full day after to recover where you actually have an appetite again.

I can't imagine what could feel worse C or D. It seems like D would give some relief because you can "get rid of" what's in your system, but then again I can't speak for IBS-D people.


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Oh no.... new
      #222361 - 10/31/05 05:27 PM

Reged: 04/27/05
Posts: 1614

I had an episode of "D" which I brought on myself by putting Xylitol in my tea without looking at the label...the thought of living with "D" on a day to day basis makes me sad. My heart goes out to those with "D", I would rather deal with "C" anyday.

Have a blessed day!...Rachel
stable and sooooooo thankful!
I have IBS but it doesn't have me!

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Re: IBS-C "attack?" new
      #222565 - 11/01/05 12:04 PM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA


Hello.....I am not "Fishnets", but I can tell you what an IBS-C attack is like. You get SEVERE on and off cramping and nausea. It's like having the flu without vomiting. It lasts for a couple of hours and when it's finally over, you feel like you just got over the flu. Then it takes a half to almost a full day after to recover where you actually have an appetite again.

I can't imagine what could feel worse C or D. It seems like D would give some relief because you can "get rid of" what's in your system, but then again I can't speak for IBS-D people.


I don't get nausea(well, not from the IBS, I do get nausea from my other digestive probs), for me an attack is lots of pain, bloating, and gas. Just feel miserable The first year that I had IBS, basiclly everyday was an attack, so I can see how at first it can be hard to know what an attack means when you're just in pain ALL the time!


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Re: Here it is .. sorry for the delay new
      #222802 - 11/02/05 02:14 PM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 909
Loc: Brisbane, Australia

sorry it took me a while to reply. With 2 kids now I really don't get to the computer as much as I'd like.

here is an example:

I walk my dogs for 30-45 mins first thing each morning

Breakfast: glass of benefiber followed by oatmeal~ with some chopped mango through it.

Morning Tea - I bake lots of Heather's breads in bulk and freeze them. I usually have a slice of one of those. (favourite is brown sugar banana)If i don't have any safe breads or muffins I might have one of the following:

baked corn chips
baked ritz crackers
low fat soy yoghurt (I'll always have a couple of crackers or some other SF first)

Lunch: usually a sandwhich on white bread consisting of either turkey or chicken breast, tuna or salmon (in springwater not oil) with avocado, small amount of lettuce, fat free mayo.

After that I might have a small piece of peeled fruit such as peaches, pears, apple etc. Or maybe a small slice of one of Heather's safe cakes. i alwasy have her peppermint fudge cake around, everyone loves it.

Afternoon tea is usually similiar to morning tea. Somtimes I'll have a bowl of cornflakes or rice bubbles with low fat soy milk.

Before dinner I laways have a glass of Benefiber.
Dinner is usually a recipe I've found in heather's books or on this site or one I've adapted (you get really good at that). It is usually chicken or turkey breast or fish, never red meat (it is really constipating). I always accompany it with either rice, pasta or potato.
last night I made a chicken breast casserole, tomato based. We had mashed potato (no butter) and carrots and well steamed green beans with it.

If I have dessert it might be one of the safe cakes or brownies you'll find recipes for on this site with a little bit of soy ice cream (low fat).

I hope this helps. The problem with constipation is that doctors always tell you to go for high fibre things like multi grain bread and raw vegies which unfortunately make you feel worse because they are high in insoluble fibre instead of soluble. It's very important to get the insoluble fibre but you have to do it carefully by combining it with soluble fibre as a base. Even when I eat my dinner I always eat the Sf items first like the potato and pumpkin before I touch the beans for example.

it all sounds complicated to you now probably but I can tell you that it does become habit and second nature and so much easier. Sometimes I miss other foods but when I remember what they did to me I'm glad to be without them.

As for the stress and sleep ~ can't remember if I mentioned this before but the hypno CD's really helped me too. You have to stick with them same as you do with the diet and exercise but it's worth it.

keep posting your questions ~ there's lots of people who can sympathise and help.

If you want some support I'm happy for you to email me I tend to check that a bit more frequently than the posts.

Also, people worry that they'll put on weight with the carb base but don't worry ~ I weigh 56 kgs (I think that is about 120lbs?) and my weight did not change with the change in diet. It's a really heart healthy low fat diet.

Best of luck

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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Re: Here it is .. sorry for the delay new
      #222944 - 11/03/05 08:19 AM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

Thank you so much, that was very helpful. I'll get on trying that kind of thing and hopefully have a good update soon!

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