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Frustration about GERD, the pill, IBS, etc
      #163149 - 03/22/05 08:48 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

This is driving me crazy!! I asked my doctor about reflux, and she told me to take Zantac 75 and that I was probably having the problem because of birth control pills!! I am so annoyed I have a mind to freeze my eggs and get my tubes tied!!! I am seriously considering going off the pill, this is ridiculous. I knew that the pill probly had something to do with this, and now I'm wondering if my most troubling symptoms are due to reflux, not IBS...but are bloating and cramping part of GERD? Probly not, huh? And I'm worried about the Zantac, is it habit forming or anything like that? Has anyone tried herbal remedies for this problem? I read about deglycyrrhizinated licorice and papaya tablets...

I cannot figure out what is going on with my body right anxiety is really bad, which is probably the culprit, but I feel so confused about my symptoms. I always feel some sort of discomfort after I eat, and I am just frustrated Does this mean I should go back to the restricted diet for awhile? That scares me, since I'm supposed to be gaining weight... Sorry if I'm being melodramatic and for the long post. Any advice or comments would be much appreciated!!


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Re: Frustration about GERD, the pill, IBS, etc new
      #163186 - 03/23/05 01:18 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
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Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

If your anxiety is really bad, do yourself a massive favor and do whatever's within your comfort level to try to help it. Therapy, medication, the hypnotherapy program, whatever sounds best to you. I swear, I was in your shoes last summer - I was so anxious, and underweight - and going on anti-anxiety medication (I tried therapy first with little success) changed my life. Seriously. Of course, now I'm struggling to keep weight off, but that's a whole other story.

As far as I know, Zantac isn't habit-forming. Honestly, I had a lot of problems with heartburn, and the best thing I found was nibbling on SF foods often, avoiding overly spicy stuff, and drinking lots of water. Papaya tablets did help too.

I would be cautious about anything licorice. I don't know what "deglycyrrhizinated" means, but licorice is typically a laxative.

I don't think you have to go all the way back to the restricted diet, but you might want to avoid overly spicy foods and large amounts of fruits/veggies until you get this sorted out. Speaking from personal experience, it's the plainer foods, like quick breads, that are calorie-dense and will really help the weight come back on, anyway.

Good luck... hope you feel better really soon! I know how frustrating this is!

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Some really good advice! new
      #163190 - 03/23/05 03:13 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

I'd also add avoid acidic foods. A med can help to stabilise it alot...Zantac is good, but it's a shame your doc didn't give you a script for a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) - they're better long term.

I agree with Casey...getting the anxiety under control should be a major priority for you right triggers both IBS and GERDs so it'll be alot harder to get those under control until the anxiety is sorted.

Good luck.

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Re: Frustration about GERD, the pill, IBS, etc new
      #163410 - 03/23/05 02:38 PM

Reged: 03/23/05
Posts: 1

My IBS just got progressively worse when I was on the Pill. Then I started having GERD symptoms too. So, I decided to stop the Pill and see what happened. Well, it pretty much cured the cramping and bloating! I still had GERD symptoms, so I went to a gastroenterologist and he put me on Protonix. So far that's been helping a lot too.

If you can live without the Pill, you might be better off!

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Casey, thank you... new
      #163421 - 03/23/05 02:59 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

It's nice to hear that someone else got through this, your advice is really helpful I am really scared of taking anxiety drugs long term, but my doc said if I lost any more weight, she was going to prescribe them. May I ask what kind of therapy you had? My doc recommended something called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which sounds really weird to me, and I have also heard that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help. Thanks again, I feel a little better just from your response!


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Thank you for all your help Linz!-nt- new
      #163422 - 03/23/05 03:00 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
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Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California


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About the pill... new
      #163423 - 03/23/05 03:03 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

Thanks for your input, it's so weird because everyone seems to have a different reaction to it. I am definitely going to try and stop taking it for 3 months or so to see if there is any difference. The ironic thing is, my doc said that she was afraid if I stopped taking it my anxiety would just increase because I would get too worried about getting pregnant!! We'll see, but I'm glad to hear that it worked for you.


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Re: Frustration about GERD, the pill, IBS, etc new
      #163451 - 03/23/05 04:35 PM

Reged: 02/20/05
Posts: 15

Dear Angie;
Hi,been a long time!Angie,I've suffered from GERD from jump and I need to tell you it's nothing to fool around with.Constant acid refluxes can gradually erode the lining of the esophogus until it RUPTURES-it happened to a friend of mine.Zantac is basically harmless,but I know from personal experience that MANY "harmless" meds can aggravate IBS.There's virtually no research being done on this yet,so it's still basically a complete mystery why this occurs with most medications.I WILL warn you about something,though-most doctors who diagnose you with GERD will try very hard to convince you to start a regiment of proton pump suppressors-these are medications that actually block the proton pump biochemical pathways that are needed to synthesize HCL in the stomach.Some of the better known ones are Prevacid and Protonix.I SERIOUSLY would warn you to not consider these meds unless your GERD proves resistant to all other methods of treatment-thier long term side effects are not very well understood yet and from personal experience I can tell you they are NOT joyful meds to be on.Not only do they effectively halt digestion and leaves food to just sit in your gut undigested-I once had pieces of undigested chicken FROM 2 DAYS BEFORE in my stool when I was taking them-they can greatly increase the inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and this triggers not only spasms, but your entire gut feels like it's on fire.They DO greatly reduce acid,but the side effects aren't worth it.Another problem is peppermint oil,one of the VERY best gastrointestinal agents for controlling spasms and pain with IBS,is also sadly one of the WORST things for aggravating GERD. Take it in the enteric coated tablet form ONLY-AVOID peppermint tea(I know,it's yummy,it really sucks.......)For the GERD,I suggest Tums Ultra,BERRY FLAVOR ONLY. DO NOT USE THE TUMS ULTRA WITH PEPPERMINT OIL.Works GREAT for GERD-it's a VERY strong antiacid and a good source of calcium.Please avoid aluminium based antiacids like Mylanta and it's ilk-the long term metal toxicity effects are well documented.
Just a little common sense and know how-GERD isn't that hard to combat.Now if you have a haital hernia like I do,that's a different matter.I suggest you get checked for that-a lot of GERD cases are a direct result of a hiatal hernia ( look it up if you don't know what that is,that will explain it a lot better then me).Good luck and good talking to you again!
Andrew L.

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Re: Casey, thank you... new
      #163487 - 03/23/05 05:59 PM

Reged: 02/20/05
Posts: 15

Dear Angie;
I've been suffering with chronic anxiety for nearly 15 years and I can tell you that although the drugs do have a sedating effect-bad news for anyone who's a student-the anxiety is SO damaging to both your life and body that it's really a necessity.My nuerologist prescribes only mild sedatives formulated specifically for anxiety like Xanax.I would STRONGLY suggest you get diagnosed by a psychologist or nuerologist.To date,but-other then drugs,the only real treatment methods that have proven consistently effective is cognative behavioral methods-and most HMO's don't cover it at all.That's why I never got it.But I DO suggest you get yourself checked out-it can be just as debilitating to a life as cancer if unchecked.
Andrew L.

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Re: Frustration about GERD, the pill, IBS, etc new
      #163497 - 03/23/05 06:53 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

Hi Angie. I understand the frustration. I have GERD and initially took Zantac 12 hour relief pills. They stopped helping me though so I'm now on Nexium. I don't think they are a problem to take long term. I'll be on the nexium for the rest of my life.
I can't take birth control at all (we're looking forward to either of us being old enough to be snipped)as it really gives me terrible pains and D.
As far as the discomfort after eating goes I've recently discovered that I'm intolerant to some natural food chemicals (not sure which ones yet) and they're probably causing the majority of my problems.
Don't know if any of this is any help but big hugs. I understand how you are feeling (with the weight gain too! I'm a skinny ). Hope you get some of it sorted out soon. Def give the zantac a try (I don't think GERD makes you cramp or bloat). Good luck.


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Hey Andrew L! new
      #163908 - 03/24/05 11:42 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
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Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

Hey it's great to hear from you again as well! I wondered what happened to you...Thanks so much for your input and support! I really appreciate it. The anxiety is difficult to deal with, and I just switched to a new therapist so hopefully it will help. My doc said if I lose any more weight, then she will definitely prescribe meds, so for now I will just wait to see how it goes. It's good to know that they seem to help people, since it is definitely a consideration for me right now.

About the GERD, that is really scary about your friend!! It's definitely better from the beginning of the week, so I think the Zantac is helping. Your experience with the PPI drugs is also very scary, thanks for letting me know about that. It seems like others on the board have had success with it, but I don't think I'm at the point where I need it anyways. Thanks also for the advice on the peppermint and antacids; I've definitely cut back on the peppermint. I know the aluminum antacids are bad, but I read that even the Calcium ones can lead to dangerous mineral imbalances so I am avoiding them for now. I'm so sorry to hear about your hiatal hernia, that sounds terribly uncomfortable!! Again, all of your info is MUCH appreciated, thanks so much for responding. How is school going for you? Are you surviving without the coffee ? I hope it's all going well, right now school is like the last thing on my mind but I am managing So nice to hear from you again, hope all is well!


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Thanks for your support Amy! new
      #163909 - 03/24/05 11:48 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

I appreciate your experience and advice on this. I'm glad to hear you were able to stabilize with the Nexium; it's weird how many people have this problem. I'm so annoyed that the pill might be causing it! That sucks that you could never take it, I can understand wanting to have the operation. What are you doing to try and gain weight? I am trying to eat small portions more often and we'll see how that goes...How did you find out about the chemical intolerances, by the way? That sounds promising, if you can eliminate them. Thanks again for your support and thoughts!!


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Ooooh, this post is scary new
      #163981 - 03/25/05 09:02 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Maybe I should start with the zantac over the prilosec. But that sounds scary too, now. What do you guys think is the better choice to start with if I'm not sure I have GERDS and just belching?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Ooooh, this post is scary new
      #164117 - 03/25/05 04:49 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

Beth, I know you are having issues with your doc, but I think this is a question you have to ask him based on your symptoms. The Zantac is OTC, so it should be fine to take for a short time at least, if you want to see how you react. IMHO, you should get a diagnosis first. Good luck!


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Re: Thanks for your support Amy! new
      #164127 - 03/25/05 05:24 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

I'm pretty much just eating lots to help with the weight gain. Not huge amounts in one sitting I just seem to be walking round ALL day with food in my hand (it gets a bit tiring to be honest!) an I eat a bowl of oats or something in bed right before I go to sleep. Lot's of carb type stuff. Plus the AD they've put me on might cause a little weight gain so maybe that'll help too. Whatever I'm doing though, it hasn't been working. I keep thinking I've put on weight only to hop on the scales and either be the same or have lost some
I found out about the intolerances through the hospital website and the book I own about them. You can find it here if you're interested. Mostly I noticed that when I ate certain types of food I got this washing machine tummy and when I looked in the book they were all from the same type of food chemical. Other than that chemical they have nothing in common so it can be pretty hard to pinpoint. No worries. If you ever want to whinge I'm here Hope you find out if it IS the pill for sure soon.


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Re: Thanks for your support Amy! new
      #164196 - 03/25/05 11:01 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
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Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

Hey Amy, thanks for the website. I think I have already had some similar testing for allergies that were not very conclusive. I have been trying to eat lotsa carbs frequently as well and it hasn't been working; maybe I need an AD as well! BTW can you eat in bed even with the GERD? I was doing that for awhile, but now since the reflux has been bad, my doc advised that I wait about three hours after eating to lie down. So, I have been trying to eat as late as possible, but not right before bed. But it has been ok for you? Keeping all this stuff straight is such a chore!! Thanks again for your help and advice!


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Eating in bed... new
      #164200 - 03/25/05 11:46 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

Sorry, I was probably pretty unclear. I eat in bed but that being said I go to bed about 8:30pm and sit up and watch telly for about 2 hours so I guess about 2 hours before sleep. I just try to veg instead of burning off what I've eaten. Sometimes it does bother me. Mostly things like porridge don't but anything spicey is a definate no go zone after lunch (although I tend to aviod spicey anyway, not good for the tummy or the D). The nexium really helps though. Even if I do reflux a bit (gross sorry) it isn't acid and doesn't burn. Can make me feel a bit nauseaus though. Hang in there. It's not fun but on a scale of it and IBS I'd take reflux any day!


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If PPIs stop your digestion, then... new
      #164245 - 03/26/05 08:27 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England probably don't have an excess of acid anyway, but more of a problem with pure reflux (as typical with a hiatal hernia). PPIs only inhibit (NOT stop) acid production.

Antacids work by trying to neutralize the acid that's already they are just trying to do the same thing as PPIs and Zantac, but less efficiently.

I've had GREAT success with seems that my bod just produces too much acid. I'm not on them atm...3 months on Lansoprazole stabilised me and now I can control the GERDs mostly through diet - Zantac is for the few times I can't.

I agree about the peppermint btw - OUCH! Chamomile is good tho.

And remeber that as Andrew said, untreated GERDs can be horrific!

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So, Linz, about the PPIs... new
      #164284 - 03/26/05 02:47 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

You said you're not on them now, does that mean you won't have to take them anymore or ever again? I assumed that once you're on them, you have to take them forever. That is great news that you don't! I was a little worried about potentially taking a drug permanently, but now I feel better about the possibility BTW, do you know how long you had GERD before you got scarring? My doc said she doesn't think I've had it long enough to get scarring but I was just wondering...Thanks again for all your help!!


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Thanks for the clarification Amy!-nt- new
      #164285 - 03/26/05 02:48 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California


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Re: So, Linz, about the PPIs... new
      #164414 - 03/27/05 08:20 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

I think I'd had it about 9 months, but I'm not sure b/c when I first got heartburn I didn't realsie what is was! I thought I was just unfit. I didn't have much scarring, but my doc said there was a little.

I was on a PPI for about 4 months...I had also limited the GERDs triggers in my diet. By the end of that period I was having no GERDs symptoms so I came off the PPI and have been off it ever since. I have to be careful with diet (I've been having a GERDs flare recently b/c of too much spicy food on top of stress) and I occasionally have symptoms, for which I usually take Zantac as it's OTC. I may have to do another course of PPIs in the future (very likely IMHO) but no, I don't need them permanently. GERDs can be stabilised and so go into remission which is nice!

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Thank you Linz for another informative post!!-nt- new
      #164463 - 03/27/05 11:11 AM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California


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