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Anyone take xanax?
      #11754 - 06/16/03 06:09 AM

Reged: 04/05/03
Posts: 27
Loc: NJ

I seem to think my anxiety had a lot to do with my onset of ibs, but now it has become this vicious cycle and my ibs has caused me to have anxiety attacks when I leave the house: heart racing, sweaty palms, feeling like I'm choking, tingling in my feet -just from the mere thought of having an attack in a controlled environment (ie. long car trip when I am not the driver). I had considered going on antidepressents but my husband has not had the best experience with them. has anyone taken Xanax for anxiety? Any success with ibs symptoms?

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11756 - 06/16/03 06:56 AM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 630
Loc: Northern Ont. Canada

I don't take any xanax or anything for anxiety except like you sometimes I get anxious when I have a long trip ahead of me or go somewhere;where I can't get to the bathroom fast enough( I have IBS/IBD?D) so I take a half of a gravol and an immodium. And just breath in deep and try to relax. Try this it may help.

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11762 - 06/16/03 07:16 AM

Reged: 05/30/03
Posts: 45
Loc: Muncy, PA, USA

You just described me in a nutshell. Everything you wrote is exactly what I've been going through. For me it just took one too many "close calls" and feeling sick while out to make me start staying home. Then that caused a cycle of stress-driven IBS.

My doctor recommended Prozac. I let it sit in it's little bottle for a month before I finally decided to take it. I've only been taking it for a week now, but it seems to have helped me deal with everyday aggravations better (like when the kids are really really at each other!), but to be honest, I still feel anxious about going places. I guess I was hoping for a miracle.

When I must go into a situation where I feel I'm not in control, (last week I went to the dentist with my three kids - ahhhhh!) I do a lot of deep breathing and try to use positive thoughts. Sometimes it works and sometimes I can't wait to get out of there! Sorry that I can't offer much advice, but maybe it will help to know that you are definately not alone! Maybe we can help each other with this.


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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11789 - 06/16/03 12:16 PM

Reged: 03/14/03
Posts: 241
Loc: Ohio


I've taken Xanax for 15 years (suffered terribly from panic disorder with mild agoraphobia). I don't take it daily, only when I need it. I take a very low dose (usually less than 2mg a day when I need it, most of the time only about .75mg). Besides the anxiety, it helps with tinnitus (ringing in the ears) which is part of my Meniere's disease (a hearing and balance disorder). My counselor several years ago taught me about deep breathing and "facing the fearful thought" - it has helped tremendously. The idea behind facing the thought is to actually allow some of the anxiety to "happen" and then do the breathing to calm the physiological symptoms - racing heart, sweaty palms, etc. If we constantly avoid the thoughts / situations, we actually give more "power" to the anxiety-producing triggers. Does that make sense? For me, personally, I also went through my Bible and found comforting Scriptures about God's presence in times of trouble, His power to save, etc., and I wrote them out on paper and take them with me when I have to "face" something. After using these strategies, I really surprised my dentist! He couldn't believe I was the same patient! I ask his assistant to "remind" me to breathe deeply while I'm in the chair - if my chest is moving but my tummy isn't, she knows I'm breathing too shallowly. Back to the Xanax, it can be highly addictive for some people, but my dosage has never really changed in the 15 years. Hope this is helpful.

Kaybee C

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PS: Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11791 - 06/16/03 12:19 PM

Reged: 03/14/03
Posts: 241
Loc: Ohio

Forgot to say that I keep Imodium in my purse at all times - if your anxiety is really just about the need to find a bathroom, etc, I'd try that before I tried the Xanax or Prozac! When I was having a long string of attacks (D), I took Imodium daily before I left the house, just in case. When I broke the cycle, I quit taking it daily - just when I feel the "gurgling" if I'm out. Kaybee C

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11815 - 06/16/03 03:35 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Be careful taking xanax. Your body can become dependent on it---if you do not take it under the watchful eye of a competent doctor. If you take it regularly and you just stop, your anxiety will be worse (what they call "rebound anxiety.") It is a lifesaver taken in small doses on a short-term basis (like when you are waiting for an anti-depressant to start working), but you cannot just stop taking it. You must have a doctor that will help you slowly wean off of it. Don't ever abuse it or you will be in trouble! I have several friends whose family members ended up in a drug rehab program after taking high dosages of it and becoming addicted to it.
If you are having panic attacks on a regular basis, you might want to try Zoloft. It will help, but you have to be patient. Like most of the new anti-depressants, it may take a month or two before you notice any results.

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For Gretchen new
      #11816 - 06/16/03 03:37 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Be patient with the anti-depressant. Most of the newer ones take a month or two before they kick in.

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11818 - 06/16/03 04:45 PM

Reged: 02/22/03
Posts: 4508
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I have no advice on the xanax, but I do want to say for you, or anyone else, that is experiencing anxiety over leaving the house that I strongly recommend the hypno tapes. I am using them now, and will be finished my 100 days next month. I can not believe the tremendous difference they have made to my life. I am not exaggerating or kidding here. I am dead serious.

Yes I did suffer, and still do to some degree, anxiety for leaving home. There was no way I wanted any parts of anything to do with leaving my house--my sanctuary--to experience "life". I mean, how can it be "life", if you don't feel like you really have one, so terrified of what may happen that you don't even enjoy it. Just the thought of leaving brought on an attack. Sometimes I got the sweaty palms, racing heart, hyperventilating, tight chest, feeling like I was just going to die, literally, right then and there. Plus, I was always afraid if I did have to go, I wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time. Oh, and yes, I did experience my worst nightmare before--I didn't make it!

As awful as that all was, these tapes have changed my life, and they are still doing so. Them along with the Eating for IBS diet. For example, right now I'm on antibiotics, which really stirs my tummy up, and yesterday morning although I felt not quite stable, I went out a flea market. Do you know what it's like trying to find a restroom there (if they even had one ?). And you know what, I did it and I survived, both panic & IBS attack free, and I have Mike Mahoney and Heather to thank for that. There have been many other incidents like this in the past 1-2 months or so. I'm even thinking about traveling, although I haven't quite got that far--YET!!

I admit, I was skeptical of them at first, if that's what you're thinking. I didn't want to spend that much money for something that may not work. But you know what--they are working!

Honestly, you've got nothing to lose but about $100, and if you think about it, it's only about $1 a day. The worst you can get is disappointment if they don't work, and don't you really already pretty much have that with IBS anyway?

PS: I swear I don't work for Mike Mahoney!

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I didn't know that new
      #11819 - 06/16/03 04:47 PM

Reged: 05/30/03
Posts: 45
Loc: Muncy, PA, USA

Thanks. I didn't know that the anti-depressants take time to start working. You would think the doctor would tell you something like that! They just send you off with a med and say, "call me in two weeks, let me know how you're doing"! I'll be patient.


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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11821 - 06/16/03 05:02 PM

Reged: 05/30/03
Posts: 45
Loc: Muncy, PA, USA

Wow. I don't quite know what to say. You described everything just absolutely exactly the way I feel. I must be where you were a couple of months ago. I leave my "safe" place (home) when I need to, but that's about it. I am so glad the tapes are working so well for you. I am still sitting on the fence, trying to decide whether to give them a shot or not. I guess I am half afraid my husband will think it's a bit nuts! He's very, very supportive, but lately I think I've been trying his patience! Right now he is at our son's cubscout meeting, my responsiblity (I'm asst. Den Leader), but I bowed out tonight because the thought of going was upsetting my stomach and giving me gas! (go ahead and laugh, I am...)

I realize that I need to do something though because the longer I stay in my safe prison of a house, the harder it will be to get out...

Oh, many people have mentioned Immodium AD. I will have to get some of that (next time I venture out!).


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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11833 - 06/16/03 06:23 PM

Reged: 02/22/03
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I know how you feel. I thought I was a little nuts when I got them...I know my boyfriend did. But, he was supportive anyway. Even he can see the difference in me. He just told me the other day that he hasn't hear me say in awhile "my stomach was acting up this morning" or things like that. Yesterday morning before we left for the flea market, I told him it was acting up, and he asked if I wanted to still go. I said absolutely! You should have seen the look on his face...he was surprised! You don't know the countless times we've canceled or left things. My IBS has caused him to miss out on so much also.

Everything I said in that last post feels like an understatment to me. I just can't express how much better I feel, how much I believe in them.

If you decide to do them, that's great. If not, that's okay too. You have to do what you feel is best for you. Before I got them, I read posts about them at, plus the website for the Audio 100, plus just searches in general on Yahoo/Google. I never read anyone post they didn't help. I read skeptical posts & postive negatives. That doesn't mean there aren't any, I just didn't see them if they were there.

If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask. Oh, did I mention I haven't even reached the last session yet and I feel this great already!

Also, I used to be an imodium addict. I still never leave the house without them. They helped me get out to do the smaller things in the beginning. The tapes are helping with the bigger that the imodium couldn't. Plus, I just didn't want to take imodium all the time for the rest of my life. But they're a great safety blanket.

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11917 - 06/17/03 06:56 PM

Reged: 04/05/03
Posts: 27
Loc: NJ

Thanks all for your replies. I may just consider the hypnotherapy tapes. I also recently started yoga and it seems to be helping. I am going to a wedding in August and it involves being on a plane and in a car for long periods of time, and let's just say I will be stocked up with Immodium!

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11918 - 06/17/03 07:00 PM

Reged: 04/05/03
Posts: 27
Loc: NJ

Hi Gretchen. I recently started practicing yoga and I've started to see an improvement in my stress and anxiety level. Maybe you should look into it? I agree with you about thinking positive thoughts. We WILL overcome the bad thoughts

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11925 - 06/18/03 06:58 AM

Reged: 05/30/03
Posts: 45
Loc: Muncy, PA, USA

I tentatively brought up the idea of the tapes the other night to my husband (don't get me wrong, he's not a controlling freaky type of husband - just the opposite actually, but his opinion and support are extremely important to me). His response was great. He said he believes hypnotherapy works if you are open minded to it. Basically, if you think it won't work, it won't; if you think it will, it will. I figured he would think I was just off on another new tangent! It's nice to know that I have his support.

That aside, I am really glad the tapes are working for you. It is so encouraging to hear that. It's such a strange thing feeling safe, but feeling like a prisoner at the same time. Make sense? I just really want to be able to go somewhere without the bathroom being my constant concern. Going to a flea market! I just cannot imagine that at this point. I guess you couldn't imagine that a couple of months ago either. I am so happy for you!

I will probably be in touch more about this as time goes on.


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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #11998 - 06/19/03 05:55 AM

Reged: 05/13/03
Posts: 15
Loc: MA.

Hi there!
I've been taking xanax for over a year now. I am in no way addicted. I have to small girls and I suffer from panic attacks. I DO NOT take it everyday. Only in those going out situations when I feel the panic starting to come over me. Also, when I have my extremely painful stomach attacks ( 9 times out of 10 at nite) and I'm up crying in pain, I do take a xanax to calm myself down and possibly gat a little sleep. In my experience if you use this drug properly it can be helpful.
Good luck in whatever you decide!

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #12029 - 06/19/03 09:57 AM

Reged: 02/22/03
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That's wonderful you have such a great supportive hubby!

Yes that safe/prison thing makes so much sense (unfortunately ). It's SO FRUSTRATING! Yes, not so long ago there was a lot I thought I'd never do again. But, I'm working on it. Like I said before, I'm not there YET, but I will be! One of my goals is to be able to make it to a concert again. Now trying to find a bathroom at a concert (or at least some I've been to) is downright ridiculous. So, I know if I can make it to a concert, I can make it anywhere!

If you decide to do the tapes, let me know.

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #12051 - 06/19/03 12:15 PM

Reged: 05/30/03
Posts: 45
Loc: Muncy, PA, USA

You are an inspiration! You'll get to that concert someday, and I will get the h$%@ out of my house!

My mother and I camp with my kids in Avalon each summer. Last year was a nightmare due to my IBS. This year, just THINKING about camping is a nightmare! We are scheduled to camp the first week in August. Hearing success stories like your trip to the flea market give me tremendous hope.

Keep sharing, it helps so much!!!!

Gretchen (originally a jersey girl, myself)

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #12254 - 06/21/03 08:16 PM

Reged: 02/22/03
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Thanks! I'm know we'll both do it someday also!

As a matter of fact, it's so weird you were talking about camping. I just talked to my dad the other day and asked if I could borrow his camping stuff (he told me on one condition - I can't bring it back! He's trying to get some decluttering out of it.). Anyway, I told my boyfriend I want to buy a tent & just go. I haven't been camping since Aug. 1992! I used to love camping when I was little. I hope we can start going again.

Which part of Jersey are you from? I'm just across from Philly.

If I do anything else major soon, I'll let you know. Next weekend I have to go to a family event. If I can survive that, I'll be happy. I would rather attempt the flea market again. My family stresses me out, they always have. They are all just so......obnoxious? I really don't know how to describe them, just that they make me uncomfortable. I can't wait until it's over. Oh, and Friday I go to Day of Caring for United Way. Our company volunteers every year. Usually when I've gone in the past, I've fretted the whole time, because we always have to be there early & mornings were always my worst time & I popped imodium to get myself through it. My boss makes me in charge of it, so I kind of have to be there. So, basically I have 2 situations that have stressed me out in the past 2 days, back to back. We'll see how I do....

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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #12286 - 06/22/03 04:14 PM

Reged: 05/30/03
Posts: 45
Loc: Muncy, PA, USA

Good luck! I don't envy you!

Family can really be a stress factor. I have to make it through my Dad's visit tomorrow. He is a die-hard Atkins dieter and believes all carbs and sugar are bad for you. I tried Atkins (before I learned that everything I was eating was SO wrong for my system!), but then I switched to what my hubby calls the "anti-Atkins". So at meals, I'll be loading up on rice while my Dad eats all the meat!

I grew up in Egg Harbor Township. My parents moved to PA when I went to college so I haven't actually lived there for years, but I still consider it home and I miss it! For the past five years we have gone camping near Avalon, tent camping the past two years (a cabin rental before that). It's fun! (Plus you can set up your tent right near the bathrooms! Ha ha!)

Where near Philly are you? My parents' families are from Philly.


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Re: Anyone take xanax? new
      #12290 - 06/22/03 05:40 PM

Reged: 02/22/03
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My boyfriend has been doing the atkins thing for a little over a month now. He's lost about 15-20 lbs or so. He says it actually drops your cholesterol, which his was high before--so high our previous doc wanted to put him on meds--and now he's getting it checked by our new doc on Thursday. I can't wait to see the results. But, ever since the time I threw the frying pan out the back door when we got into it, which all started over how much carbs was in something I was eating, I haven't had to hear about how many carbs I'm eating since. Thank God!

I'm in Delran. Have you heard of it? I've heard of Egg Harbor. It's on the way to the shore, right? You're camping near Avalon, NJ? Isn't that near the shore also? I've never been there, but heard of it. I haven't been to the shore in a couple of years--thanks to the good ol' IBS. I just have to go this year, because I can't stand it anymore! We usually go to Wildwood, but sometimes I'll just go to Seaside or LBI just for a quickie, since they're closer.

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