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Can't find a store near you?

Here's a list of stores and practitioners who have expressed interest in carrying Heather's Tummy Care products.

If you would like a retail store or private practitioner in your area (health food store, pharmacy, grocery store, dietitian, physician, or other) to carry Heather's Tummy Care™ products, you can simply ask them. Print the Retail Store Handout and give it to your local retailer, and they'll have all the information they need to become a wholesale vendor.

If you are a retailer interested in carrying Heather's Tummy Care, please see our wholesale information.

What IBS Folks Are Saying About US...

Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal TRAVEL STICK PACKS (2 boxes)
Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal TRAVEL STICK PACKS (2 boxes) Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal TRAVEL STICK PACKS (2 boxes)
55555 Product*11224
I have used this product for years. It's wonderful but,
Delivery service is terribly, excruciatingly Slow. In this day and age, that's unacceptable.
Speed of Delivery
Customer Service

Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches
Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches
55555 Product*11225
The Only
I have been taking Heather's Tummy Fiber for years. Recently, I was unable to find it anywhere! I tried another product, and a week later I was online looking for Heather's. It is the only thing that keeps my digestion in check!
Speed of Delivery

See all our Tummy Care reviews!