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All items can be shipped to any country in the world. To determine the cost of products and shipping in your local currency, please click here for a Pop-Up Currency Converter.

In the left side "Convert" box of the pop-up window enter the US price. In the middle box select "US Dollars", and in the right side box enter the currency to which you want the US dollars converted.

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For any questions or assistance, please contact Heather & Company for IBS, LLC.

What IBS Folks Are Saying About US...

Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal CAN
Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal CAN Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal CAN
1 Product*10978
Never received product-
Ordered last month- feel like i was scammed
Speed of Delivery
Heather says:
Hi Keith - I am so very sorry to hear this The tummy fiber cans were backordered on our website, there should have been a big message about that when the cans were added to cart and also at checkout. I truly apologize if that was not clear.

Our container load of new cans was delayed and the shipment did not arrive in until the week of April 12th. We are catching up on all backorders and yours is one of the oldest so will be the first to be packed, which should be today, April 15. You will get tracking upon shipment.

Again, my apologies for the delay and for any confusion.


Eating for IBS Diet & Cookbook
Eating for IBS Diet & Cookbook Eating for IBS Diet & Cookbook
4444 Product*10979
I love the information you have in the preface of your cookbook, and your emails and sites.
Speed of Delivery
Customer Service

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